Sunday, May 24, 2015

Designated Driver

Saturday night was Shauna's Batchelorette party. I was invited to at least part of it with Brads mom Sandy and a few other mothers.

The party started at Shauna and Brads house with drinks and other items related to a certain part of the male anatomy.

Like a new water bottle for Shauna

And a cake!

We went to eat at Los Tres Amigos where the food is OK but the margaritas are fantastic!

 Shauna got lots of cute gifts

 Me and my sweet daughter-in-law Marissa

Back to the house for more pictures, more drinking and games like pin the ( insert certain male anatomy part) on the man

Shauna and her girls

One of them made her this bouquet out of lollipops. The idea was to bring it with her to the bar and offer people a sucker for $1. Called suck for a buck! Unfortunately, in all the excitement we accidentally left it at home!
 I volunteered to be designated driver which the girls took me up on so I loaded them up in my Equinox and off we went to the Diamonback Saloon, a country western bar.

The girls had lots of delicious looking shots!

And did a lot of dancing!

Those country western dancers will line dance to any song! Even if it's not a country song!!

And we stayed until 1:30 in the morning. I had fun just drinking water and watching them have fun! And at the end of the night got them all back to Shauna's safe and sound!

It was after 2:00 before I got to bed and today I'm exhausted but it was worth it!

Don't look at me but how gorgeous is this daughter of mine?

6 more days!

Until the next time!


  1. My goodness. We didn't have bachelorette parties in the olden days.

  2. OMG that cake. I can't stop laughing! Shauna looks so happy, and I'm happy for her AND Brad, and all the family. It's so wonderful! Countdown is ON! I can't wait to see pics, and pray all goes according to plans, but I know it will. Love ya, buddy.

    Oh, and I love Shauna's hat. :)

  3. And you forgot to swing by and pick ME up!!!Hahaaa
    What a fun time y'all must have had!


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