Thursday, July 11, 2019

Greenfield Village and Detroit River Tour

One day during my vacation week off we went to Greenfield Village. It's a collection of old houses and replicas of old houses that was created by Henry Ford back in the day (not sure of the date) and is owned by Ford Motor Company.

This guy was telling us that when riding these kind of bikes, if you stop too fast the whole seat and back wheel flips over the front!

These are a few of the old rooms. I feel sorry for the chamber maids whose job is was to empty the chamber pots like the one seen under the bed!

This is one of Thomas Edison's labs. There must have been hundred of bottles of powders and potions along both of the walls.

Oh, look! Another covered bridge! This one wasn't as big as the one in my last post but pretty cool just the same!

These ladies were in a old farm house showing how people cooked and what they ate back in those days. It did smell really good in there! Made me want to join them!

These are some of the medications in an old doctors office.  I thought the name "Extract of Wahoo" was funny and apparently when you took this you did a lot of wahooing in the bathroom if you know what I mean!

These female pills and pills for stomach cramps during pregnancy. Sure made  me wonder what could be in them.

We also took a Detroit River Boat Tour which was actually really nice!

These were million dollar houses (in Detroit!) on the waterfront with their own docks for boats!

The boat went under the Ambassador Bridge which is the bridge to Canada. We used to cross that bridge a lot because they have a really nice casino right across the water. But since 9/11 getting back into the US is such a pain  we almost never go any more!

This is a view of the Renaissance Center, or The RenCen as us locals call it.  The Renaissance Center is actually a pretty cool place! Shops, restaurant,  fountains and a hotel all on a beautiful water front area. It's also home to the GM World Headquarters. There is a restaurant at the top of the tower called the Summit and it slowly spins around.  The boat you see is the Riverfront Princess, which is a party boat and has been in the news once or twice for fights and shootings!

I did enjoy my week off and also got to spend lots of time with my grandsons!

Until the next time!


  1. Some great pictures. I am glad to be living in my time with all of our inventions. I cannot image a chamber pot in any way.

  2. I'm so glad you had a nice vacation, buddy! Love places like you visited; saw one over home a few years ago "Pioneer Village". You may recall I wrote about the exact replica of the dr office and home that contained all of his medical equipment even his desk. He delivered each one of my grandmother's children's.

    Don't think I've ridden through a covered bridge! Those are so neat. I really enjoyed seeing all your photo's!

    Hope you and Rich have a great weekend, and can spend time with the cutest little guys ever.

  3. That looks like an interesting place to visit. I too wonder that the Female pills may contain.

  4. Glad you enjoyed the visit with the grandsons...and those Female pills look interesting...Hahaa
    Love old places like that...could spend all day looking!


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Phone Photo Dump

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