Sunday, July 28, 2019

This 'n' That

Not a lot going on right now. Summer is fleeing by fast. We haven't had a ton of really hot weather which is nice! Even when the days are hot the nights are beautiful! We enjoy sitting outside in the evening.

 This is where we usually sit.

We have been dealing with companies trying to get a deck built pretty much all summer. Just a small 10 x 12 foot one to have somewhere to put a table and a couple chairs.

After wasting a ton of time with companies that either want WAY too much money or don't show up or return calls, we decided to build the deck ourselves! Yes, its a project but I think  we can do it! By we I mean Rich but I will be his willing helper!  First we have to get the permit from the township, then we have to dig the post holes and have them inspect them before we can start. Hopefully that won't be too long of a process. We'd like to have it done and ready to use by the end of August.

I'm also going to paint the front door. Just need to decide what color. I'm tending towards some kind of blue.

Mr Levi is 10 months old as of yesterday! He is starting to pull himself up to standing and before we know it he's going to be walking!

He' got his first haircut the other day, too!

He wasn't too happy about it but look how cute! He really did need one!

Maxwell got his hair cut at the same time. Shauna said they both were screaming! Those people must have been glad to be done with them! Although, it's a haircut place for kids so they are probably used to it!

Last time I took Maxwell for a walk with his little car he insisted on bringing his lawnmower, just in case any lawns needed cutting!

This is my monitors at work.

I wish I could put separate pictures on them but the one on the right just mimics the one on the left. I got lots of complements when people walk by and they always notice when I change the picture!

I work next week and then am on vacation for a week. I have at least one day trip planned that I will tell you about when it happens!

Until next time....


  1. Those little guys, they are so adorable. I know you get so much pleasure from them. They're growing FAST!

    I think blue would be pretty on your front door! And, I know you and Rich can build that deck; so many 'inspections' though. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

    Love to you, my sweet buddy.

  2. Such cute little boys!
    Grandkids seem to grow up faster than our own kids. I wonder why.
    Of course you can build the deck!!!


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