Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Midland MI: Dow Gardens and The Tridge

On Tuesday we took a day trip to Midland Michigan. In my whole life in this state I don't think I ever went to Midland. Probably because it's in the middle of the state and we tend to gravitate towards the edges where the great lakes are.

Anyway, Midland does have a few things to offer.

Dow Chemical company is there and pretty much owns the town and probably employs the majority of the people who live there. It's a huge conglomerate and is spread all over Midland. Kind of like what University of Michigan is to Ann Arbor!

We wanted to visit Dow Gardens

 Dow Gardens was started in 1899 by Herbert Dow, founder of The DowChemical Company. The Gardens, originally developed on eight acres of flat, sandy land, provided a creative outlet for Herbert Dow and his interest in agriculture and design.-from the website

There is a sculpture and a butterfly garden right at the entrance.

There is actually sculptures all over the place but I didn't take any pictures. They were nice but I'm not really into them. 

It's about 110 acres now of beautiful gardens and streams. 

We even found a small waterfall!

And there's a canopy walk through the trees.

We left Dow Gardens, had lunch and then stopped by The Tridge before heading home.

It's exactly what the name is; A bridge that goes three ways!

It was a nice way to spend the day.

The rest of the week is devoted to spending time with the grandkids and getting ready to build our deck. 

We got the permit from the city, ordered all the supplies we need  and will be digging the post holes this weekend.

Can't wait to get started!!

Until the next time...


  1. Oh wow, such a beautiful day to visit those lovely gardens! There are a couple of places I'd like to visit here, down a little way. We'll see if we do it or not. :)

    I know you're enjoying those beautiful grandsons. And, yay for getting the permit for the deck. I hope you'll share during the process!



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Mock Fried Rice

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