Saturday, February 15, 2020

February Photo a Day #15

My favorite place lately.

The local library. I get two books every two weeks. It takes me that long to read two books because I only read them at night before bed. I don't take them to work because they are too bulky to carry, and I keep my kindle at work and read whatever free books I can get with Amazon Prime.

Until tomorrow.


  1. I usually takes me quite a while to read a book because I usually only read on my lunch and break at work and then sometimes while I'm eating dinner. Mine are all free books on my kindle.

  2. Oh wow, what a pretty library and so big! Ours I very small, smiles. Have a very nice Saturday.

  3. Yours and mine both! : ) I'd be lost without the library!

  4. Pretty library! I'm with you about reading before bed and taking a bit of a time to get through an actual book versus reading on the Kindle/tablet. Have you checked to see if your library does ebooks? Ours does and I get all the books I read on my tablet (when I exercise on the treadmill Monday through Friday for 40 minutes; just bragging :) through them. Sometimes you have to wait on some of the popular ones but I've read so much from the library that way :)



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