Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Little Break

I worked every day last week in pretty much a ghost town. Only one other person in the room with me and practically no one anywhere else.  Anyway, I'm off this week and I'm glad. I need a little break and down time!

Levi is better now and Maxwell was sick for a few days with a fever but he's better now too so hopefully they stay well!

I miss them!

This pair of geese were at the entrance to my work earlier this week.

As you can see, there is one egg in the nest. They were not happy to see me walking by either!

Later when I go t off both the geese and the nest were gone! I don't know if they abandoned it or if maintenance chased them away and covered the nest. Anyway, probably for the best.

Can't have them attacking everyone as they are trying to walk into work!

Rich and I took a walk on a trail yesterday and someone put a painted rock on this  plaque.

I thought about painting some rocks but I'm not very artistic!

That's pretty much it for now. I have a couple projects I plan on doing this week so I'm sure I will be telling you all about them soon!

Until then stay well and stay safe!


  1. I always love seeing your grand boys; so glad they're both feeling better. Praying they stay that way.

    Enjoy your time off, buddy. You deserve. Yes, please share whatever you do in the downtime; I ain't doin' nothin' but reading, t.v., eating. lol


  2. Glad you are off with the downtime. It will be good when this is all over. I miss grandson but know it's for the best to remain social isolation and distancing.


  3. Wonder what made them choose to put a nest there!!

  4. Cute boys I can see how much you must miss hugging them. Hopefully, the geese found a better place to nest.

  5. I'm glad you don't even have to be in that building right now!
    Yeah, I know, it's pretty safe, but still........
    XX OO

  6. Glad the boys are feeling better, enjoy your downtime, go ahead and paint some rocks, it's fun and you don't have to be artistic, have you ever seen any of Willem de Kooning's paintings?

  7. I'm so happy the boys are feeling better; I know you miss them terribly.
    The geese aren't always so friendly, but perhaps they see us the same way.
    I'm sure you could paint some rocks and leave them around.
    Enjoy your time!

  8. Hi Jeannette! So lovely to meet you, and your beautiful blog! Your grands are just darling, and I'm glad they are feeling better. We have a lot of geese here, and sadly they are not welcome in public areas, because they leave so much debris behind them. It's really sad, and would be better if they found more wild areas to nest! Hopefully that is what they decided to do. Painted rocks are so much fun... one doesn't have to be an artist at all, it is just fun to do. Many blessings to you!


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