Thursday, April 9, 2020

Cleaning the China Cabinet

This China Cabinet was my grandmothers.

The other day I emptied out and cleaned everything, The middle shelf holds the tea set that I told you about in THIS post.

These are some other things I keep in there that have a special meaning to me;

These cow creamers belonged to my mom. I had one and found the other one underneath a bunch of magazines  in an end table when we cleaned out my dad's house.

These oil and vinegar carafes were my maternal grandmothers. I think they are depression glass.

This is the cake topper, champagne glasses and cake cutter from our wedding. The cake topper still has 43 year-old cake frosting on the bottom! Shauna and Brad used the champagne glasses at their wedding.

This is the souvenir we got for my parents from our honeymoon. It says Mom and Dad and the date 3/18/77 and on the back it says Thanks. We got one for Rich's parents also.

This is a small collection of miniature brass clocks that I collected many years ago. All except one are Bulova.

These are hand painted wine glasses I got for Christmas one year. I just love them.

 This is my mom and dads wedding picture. They were married on October 16, 1954. I have her dress and one day I'll do a post about it.

This beaded heart came from my now ex-daughter in law. I love it and miss her. 

This is a 5 minute hour glass that Shauna gave me for my birthday.

The bottom of the china cabinet just holds various souvenirs from places we've traveled or other things people have given us. The platter in the back is from a flea market. I just liked it and I'm pretty sure I only paid about $2 for it. I use it any time we have people over for a holiday.


  1. I just love your treasures, smiles. Stay safe. smiles

  2. What treasures you have in your china cabinet! What a beautiful cabinet too! I bet it was fun to clean it and to look at all the different things in there and remember them and cherish them. Such a lovely wedding picture of your parents. It reminded me of my parents' wedding picture, they were married in 1953. Seems like you found a good thing to keep you occupied for a bit while you are social distancing and isolating.


  3. My china cabinet has become a problem for me. I'm BORED just having china in there. I actually NEED it for storage so I bought some material to coffee the glass. I haven't done it yet.

    I liked all your memorabilia.

  4. A wonderful cabinet full of treasures and memories.

  5. What a beautiful cabinet and what lovely memories.

  6. So many memories, traditions and then there are the cow creamers. I love them!

  7. You have some lovely treasures.

  8. I’m so sorry you lost your cat, too. I see him with you in your profile picture. What a dear boy. So hard to make the decision to let them go but even harder to see them suffer.
    I enjoyed the tour of your China cabinet. It’s a nice place to display your memories where you can see them every day.

  9. I love this post so much. It's fun to see what other people keep/collect. You have some very nice treasures. I really feel like someone in my family has a platter like the one you got at a flea market; it looks so familiar.

  10. Such beautiful treasures, buddy. I love the photo of your parent's wedding. So beautiful. And, I'd love to hear about her dress!

    I didn't know you have an ex daughter in law! Now you have my curiosity.

    I guess not many of us will be together tomorrow on Easter. My brother called and said he was really going to miss being with Britt and family. :(

    Patti is with them, though so I'm glad about that even though this elderly lady is here alone. Gads, I can't get used to calling myself 'elderly' hahaha

    Happy Easter whatever you and Rich do.



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