Thursday, April 16, 2020

Alternate Reality

Everything seems so surreal right now. I can't be the only one that feels that way, right?

My drive into work in the morning is literally all by myself for most of the way. I see maybe one or two cars going the other way but until I get into Ann Arbor city, there is no other traffic.

Yesterday I even stopped in the middle of the road to look at some beautiful deer that were grazing in a field not too far off of the road. I should have taken a picture! I had time to as there was no other cars on the road!

Work is so slow right now I go hours without anything to do!

I was supposed to be off next week but because I have a very unreliable, crappy  co-worker I am having to work after all! That's all I want to say about that!

We did manage to see Maxwell and Levi on Easter Sunday. They stayed in the backyard and we visited them from outside the fence at least 6 feet away!

That's Levi sitting in the corner!

The weather lately has been crazy! I drove to my brothers houses to deliver some traditional Italian Easter Bread that I make every year to them and it was hailing like crazy!

Yesterday I walked down to get our mail and got caught in another hail storm and tonight we are suppose to get 1-2 inches of snow! I hope they're wrong!

Our local Kroger store has one way aisles now. It's actually a great idea and if people actually followed the rules it's easy to keep your distance!

Speaking of following the rules. Yesterday about 1500+ cars drove to Lansing MI to protest the governors extreme stay at home order. The idea was to show up at the capitol building and just stay in your car. But people got out of their cars and walked around and mingled in groups and took group selfies and really just ended up looking like idiots!  Pretty ineffective because the governor got on TV later and pretty much said that people acting like that just risk having the stay at home order extended past the end of April! I hope not but it's not looking real good right now!

Finally, Maxwell and Levi got a new wagon from their other grandparents for Easter.

I cannot wait to hug and kiss them again!

That's all the excitement for now!

Until the next time stay safe and stay well!


  1. Beautiful Grandbabies, smiles. Yep, same here about the one way, we got snow last night, some today...I just knew it was to good to be true (we had 70* last week). Let's see, I often forget to take photos, sigh.

    Hey have a great Friday, friend. smiles

  2. What a bummer that you're having to work when you thought you'd have the time least if you were busy the time would go faster.
    I saw the protesters on TV; amazing how dumb people can be.
    I'm so glad you got to see the boys, even from a distance.
    Praying this is all a distant memory soon.

  3. Javelinas are showing up here in the city because no one is on the road at night. It really is surreal. You try to be normal but there is nothing normal about these times. Hang in there!


  4. So glad you go to spend some time with family for Easter even if it was from 6 feet away.
    I know what it's like to have those unreliable co-workers. I'm always at work and never call off so I find the ones that you can't count on to be extra annoying.

  5. Maxwell and Levi are adorable and I'm sure it did your heart good to get to see them although being able to hold them would have been even better.
    I think the weather is like the rest of the world, a little wonky right now.

  6. Oh, those baby boys are growing! They're both so dang cute. I know the feeling of wanting to hold them close to you. I'm craving that also.

    Yeah, that was a bunch of idiots getting out of their cars and mingling like that. I probably don't follow the 'rules' like I should; example, not wearing a mask when I have to go the store. But, lawsy mercy, what were they thinking?

    I'm sorry you have to work next week; I guess your 'co-worker' decided you better than her. I'm sure you want to throttle her, buddy.

    Stay as safe as possible.

    Sending lots of love and virtual hugs to y'all.

  7. Sorry about the coworker. And it must be hard to not hug the grandkids. How cute they are. I hope those demonstrators didn't spread too much of the virus around. 6 feet under, indeed.

  8. You've got cute grandkids. I think we're all going to have great 4th of July parties with lots of hugs all the way around.

    I don't think the protesters did themselves any good. All it did was give our governor lots of national airtime.


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