Saturday, April 25, 2020

Uber Eats Delivery Driver

As I have mentioned before Rich delivers food for Uber Eats.

He started about a year ago as a way to supplement his social security. He could work when he wanted to and didn't really have to answer to anyone as long as he picks up the food and delivers promptly.

He's had weeks where he's been really busy,  getting food orders one after another, and weeks when he's been really slow and did a lot of sitting around waiting for orders to come in.

As you can imagine since the beginning of the pandemic and restaurants have been open for carry out only, he's been super busy. The orders come in two at a time and he's scrambling to keep up.

At the restaurants when he picks up the food  he has to wait outside in his car for them to bring the food out to him because they don't want people inside the restaurants and then when he delivers to the customer, he places the food on the porch and lets the customer know he has arrived.

He wears a mask and cleans his hands with hand sanitizer between every order and will wash his hands anytime he can get inside a restaurant to the bathroom, usually McDonalds.

People are extra grateful these days and have been leaving tips for him outside their doors along with tipping him on the Uber Eats App too.

This one is my favorite.

A hand cream and a $20 tip! The hand cream is really nice, too!

In other news, the school bus drivers have been leaving notes at the bus stops in our park. This one was at our corner.

We did a Zoom get together with my brothers and their wives. Nice but definitely not the same!

That's all for now. Hoping to have a back yard visit with Maxwell and Levi this weekend.

Until the next time stay safe and stay well.


  1. That is nice with the tips! Its good the Uber customers are generous like that and good that your hubby has been busy with it and its a relatively safe thing to do. Its funny here that all the Pizza Huts have ads for delivery drivers. Good you'll have the backyard visit this weekend if it happens! I have seen my grandson twice just briefly while dropping things off but haven't really seen him if that makes sense. At 4 years old he kind of understands what is going on but he doesn't know why he can't come over to grandma's house and play.

    have a good weekend!


  2. That is so cool! We don't have Uber here (well, not in our little town)--but the pizza joint and bbq joint have delivery (and were allowed to reopen with strict rules-that is ALL--just delivery), and they have taken off the delivery charge--well, we have been tipping the delivery and extra. So important. EVERYTHING else remains closed, sadly. sigh

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend. smiles

  3. That's great that people are being nice and leaving tips.

  4. In general, I'm a 'heavy' tipper, but lately even more so. I'm SO happy to know I'm not the only one. He's doing a lot of good for people who are afraid to get out there; so he deserves the tips.
    I did my first zoom today; fun, but not the same.
    Be well.

  5. Nice to know how appreciative people are at this time.
    What great tips.
    These kinds of signs are popping up all over! :)

  6. Awwww - see, people can be so nice! I've never used a 'delivery' since all this started but maybe I'll try it and to be sure, leave a nice 'tip' like the ones Rich received! I think people are so glad to have that service. You rock, RICH! :)

    Are you working this week, buddy? I really haven't minded being by myself, but sure do miss the kids! I'm glad that Britt posts pics of them, that's better than nothing. And, then I steal them. :)

    I hope y'all were able to see the little's this weekend.


  7. I love that thoughtful note, tip and the little extra gift. I wish we had that kind of service in our little town.


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