Saturday, May 2, 2020

Moving Along

Here we are into May and things are starting to change. I've noticed more and more traffic, not so much in the morning but definitely on my way home from work!

Here is the road on my way into work Friday morning,

That's usually a pretty busy spot! The health system I work for is starting to open up the operating rooms and clinics on Monday so I anticipate even more traffic next week. 

My friend and I got take out breakfast this morning and went to a park and sat at a picnic table for a few hours and talked. I've missed my standing Saturday morning breakfast date with her since the restaurants  all closed down. 

Our governor here in Michigan signed an order allowing  work that is done outdoors to resume as of May 7th but has extended the stay at home order to the end of the month. Of course there was another protest in Lansing but people didn't keep to social distancing so it pretty much was ineffective.  I'm all for protesting but do it lawfully and keep your guns at home or why bother? I'm not against gun ownership, I have a handgun and a permit to carry it, but that was not the place for the Michigan Militia! Anyway, Whitmer is getting very unpopular in this state! I never liked her and I think she's doing a lot of things for spite against Republicans and Trump and she has a political agenda. God forbid she become Biden's running mate but I wouldn't be surprised! 

But anyway, enough politics!

Yesterday I bought myself this little toy.

It's a wireless printer, scanner, copier and fax. I can send documents or pictures to it from anywhere because it has it's own email address! 

One of the main reasons for getting it however it to scan all of the old pictures of ours and store them on USB drives. There is a lot of them!

All these albums and a plastic box full plus a lot of then in frames that used to hang in our old house. 
There is a lot but I'll have time!

Finally, Maxwell and Levi are enjoying the nice weather and all that it  brings, like popsicles!

Until the next time..stay safe and stay well!


  1. I really need to get a printer...sigh...Governors such as ours (Cuomo) and yours are just getting on my nerves. No end in sight here. A least you have a projected date---here, he said, "Well, we'll wait to see on May 15 and then go from there." He has cancelled all schools now and looks to be a rotating schedule on schools (1/2 in summer and 1/2 in fall ). I'm telling you, JULY is what I am thinking...although, I think he has no plans to open up at all. Power is going to their heads. I can't say I blame your protestors. We have protesting going on in Albany and Buffalo, but for whatever reason, the MSM isn't following or letting it get out.

    Cute photos of your grandkids, smiles. PS I miss going to the park, its a no no here. sigh.

  2. That is a cool piece of equipment you bought! I like that it is so versatile! I have to agree with you about the protesters not bringing their guns to rallies. They are encouraging the people here in Arizona not to bring them to the protests we've had here (Arizona is an open carry state). Your governor is an interesting lady. I would hope she doesn't get reelected and I hope she is not on the Democratic ticket for president. Our governor is a Republican but he doesn't seem to have a backbone. At his recent press conference about extending our stay at home until May 15th, he did mention small retail shops can open up starting Monday with strict precautions and "we have learned so much from our big box stores about how to do social distancing" which made me gag because you go into Wal-Mart and the like and while there are precautions, no one is really practicing social distancing. People are still reaching over people to get their items off shelves etc. I think too if I hear the phrase "we are all in this together" one more time I'll scream. That and our governor's "we are family" to which I said "dysfunctional family." Its interesting times we live in these days and I never would have expected it as I'm sure you didn't either. Your grandsons are adorable!! They do like their summer treats for sure!!!


  3. Maxwell and Levi always bring a huge smile to my face. I'm so glad you share their photo's when you're able. I know you can't wait to hug them to pieces. :)

    I no longer (if I ever did) recognize our world. So many have such differing opinions about what's going on. Not being a person who discusses politics much, I do have to wonder if this business has to do with upcoming elections in general.

    Even though, also, people are still going to the big box store (W.M.) I'm not. Nope. Too many 'opportunities' there for picking up germs of all kinds. I do have to frequent our local grocery as that's where I get my prescriptions; so while there I buy food.

    You don't have much longer, buddy; I know you're excited! :)

    P.S. Some people didn't understand why I believe peroxide is one of the best ways to clean around home. I read this morning it's one of the best. So, even though I'm older than well, dirt, I haven't completely lost it. LOL


  4. So many people are getting restless and scared because of the current situation. That always causes some people to take things too far.
    Glad you were able to get out with your friend for a breakfast even if it wasnt what you were used to.
    I have a wireless printer and I love it. I couldn't tell you how to print from something other than my desktop I had it figured out when I first got it but forgot a long time ago.

  5. I'm kind of excited about your printer too. :) Lord, I need more things to do! HA!
    Good luck with the photo scanning/organizing; that is a task, but a great one to finish.

    Yeah, I don't get why people bring guns to a protest; you're just asking to NOT be heard in the correct way.

    It seems Ludacris to me.


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