Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween and Other Things

We did not pass out candy on Halloween. Actually, we haven't passed out candy for several years. When we lived in our other house the family room was in the rear of the house and it was a nuisance to keep running to the front of the house when the kids came. Plus the doorbell would freak the cats out! We only ever got a handful of kids when we did pass out candy anyway.

Since we moved two years ago we have spent Halloween night at Shauna and Brads so we could go with the boys trick or treating. 

They usually only bring them to the few houses that are within a couple blocks of their house. This year most people had the candy out on the porch or on a table in the driveway so the kids wouldn't have to walk right up to the house. 

They were both the cutest little fireman!

It was fun and they were professional trick or treaters! 

My friend and I went to Hobby Lobby because they are having 50% off of their Christmas decorations.   I know, its early! But we couldn't resist! 

I bought this snowman for my collection. 

I love that it has the animals on it and I couldn't walk out of that store without it! 

I also bought a small child size Santa hat. I saw few pictures of Christmas trees with Santa hats as the toppers and I want to try it! If I don't like it I will just buy another one and give them to the boys to wear!

Speaking of Christmas trees for the first time I am putting mine up before Thanksgiving! We are hosting a few people that day and I want to show it off! We don't have a lot of people over for Christmas and I want some people to appreciate my hard work! 

This year has been so different and somewhat depressing so I want to try to be extra festive for the holidays! 

Lastly, there was a white duck hanging around with the other ducks at work the other day and I don't think I have ever seen one before. 

Only three more weeks left to work. They have already cut their hours down and I am only scheduled for about 15 hours this week. Pretty soon I'm going to have to figure out what else I can do for a little extra income! 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. He is an adorable little fireman!! My favorite thing about your snowman is the animals, it is awesome!

  2. That water scene with the ducks is beautiful! And I do hope you share your decorated tree when you have it up. My daughter has a snowman collection too. The one you brought home is darling. But what is MOST darling is the Halloween First Respnders!! Incredibly sweet boys.

  3. I love Hobby Lobby. Every time I'm in the States I make sure I visit. Cute snowman!

  4. How funny. We also went trick or treating with our grandkids this year AND I stopped by Hobby Lobby’s Xmas sale! Your grandsons look adorable. It was nice that we had decent weather! I picked up some Xmas kitchen towels for my son and his new wife.

  5. Cute little firefighters! We saw a few firefighters, 1 police officer, and some other strange costumes from movies I don't know about. My favorite was these 2 dinosaurs. I took their photo.

    First time ever, that I did not decorate for Halloween, and nothing laid out yet for Fall. I'm just too tired to pull it all out, only to pack it back away - then haul out the Christmas stuff. It's WORK!

    I don't know, maybe I will get motivated sometime this week.

  6. Oh, my goodness the boys look so, so cute! I know they had a good time. :)

    It has been quite a year; seems like it's gone fast, but also slow with all the political nonsense I'm not taking it lying down, but some of the remarks on FB, so much with the journalists being so one sided and quite hateful. I'll just be glad when (IF) it's settled at least before 2021. And, settled for the best. That's all I'm sayin'

    The photo of the ducks reminds of taking Hunter to the park where we always went down to the water to see them. One time, the ducks decided to chase us. We ran to the car and laughed. She was only about four.


  7. I adore that little snowman, Jeanette!!! I love wildlife "stuff" too. I might end up putting my Christmas tree up early also, even though we're not having anyone over for Thanksgiving or Christmas. We're just not going to chance it. Oldest daughter and her family are uber-careful about the virus, going no where & when they do they wear masks... so they're in our "pod" of safe folks. But my son & his wife are acting like the virus is non-existent so in no way can they come into our house. Since I won't have "the holidays" for one child & her family and not the other, it's cancelled for all of us. If we could gather outside, it would be no problem... but who wants to sit in lawn chairs in the snow? *ha-ha* I keep trying to remember the saying I heard: "We're staying apart now so that when we get together again, everyone will be present." It's so hard tho!! :-( ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Cute little fireman. We don't get and kids, too remote. Don't think they even had trick or treating in town this year.

  9. Oh my, those little firemen are adorable! We never have trick or treaters, in fact in the thirty years we have lived her, we've had one boy and girl knock at the door. The family had just moved into their new home down the dirt path about a half mile away. Their parents drove to town and they stopped to see us. I used to love handing out candy and seeing the children. I love your thinking about decorating early for Christmas and being more festive. We need that right now. I just may do the same. :)

  10. For a job, maybe look to see if any tax services (H and R Block and the like) are hiring receptionists if you want to do that type of work. I saw some advertised last year when I was looking for a job but they were for offices further than I wanted to drive.

    Cute little firemen you have! A lot of people here did the same with having the treats out on a table away from where they were sitting.

    I don't think we are going to give out candy next year. Its not that I mind doing it but we don't get that many kids since most of our neighbors don't participate so maybe we'll go "dark" next year. Got a whole year to think about it, LOL. We did figure how to disable our doorbell so that might be the plan for 2021.

    I think a lot of people will be putting up their decorations early this year. I told hubby I expect to see Christmas lights within the next 2 weeks here. We put up our Christmas lights Thanksgiving and I don't put up a tree or any decorations inside. Haven't in years :)


  11. I haven't passed out candy for several years now. Those are cute firemen.
    Love that snowman. I might have to make a trip to Hobby Lobby

  12. The boys are so darn cute. I love that you get to go trick or treating with them!
    You are not the only one putting up Christmas decor early....I've seen some people who put theirs up last week.
    I don't think I can get on board, but I applaud those of you who can.

  13. My girls and I are fond of saying "I just couldn't leave it there!" when talking about something we just "had" to have from the store! And it's just as likely to be Hobby Lobby as any other retail outlet. CUTE snowman! I wouldn't have been able to resist him either. Excellent idea to put your tree up so that guests may enjoy it on Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see pictures of it. xoxo


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