Friday, February 26, 2021

February Photo A Day #26


Several years ago Rich and I took a road trip to Atlantic City. We stopped for the night in Pennsylvania and while looking for something to do after dinner I saw in the hotel information book that we were only about 10 miles from where United flight 93 crashed during 9/11 so we jumped back in the car and drove to see it. At the time there was only a temporary memorial there but it was filled with all sorts of memorials, benches and signs and trinkets that people left. This is a picture of the actual crash sight. No one but family members were allowed on it. It's hard to see but there is an American flag right in the center. Made me so sad to be there. 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends. 


  1. Something that will stick in our minds forever!!

  2. I would be sad to be there too :(

  3. So sad, but I’m glad there’s a memorial.

  4. I don't travel so *thank you* for posting this picture, Jeanette. What a peaceful place for such a horrific event to have happened. I particularly noticed the little wild daisies... such a sign of peace & tranquility. I'm hoping that's what the souls are experiencing now, after that horrible day they lost their lives. ~Andrea

  5. Sad yes...

    But soooooooooo PROUD of those brave Americans! I hope we always remember:

    "Let's roll!!!!"

    I'm getting 'goose bumps,' just writing about it.

    📕 📗 📚 📙 📘

  6. Interesting! How are they keeping people out, while letting family inside? And why are they not letting others in?

  7. sad...I don't quite know what to say.

  8. We live a couple of hours from there.

  9. Such a sad place to visit, but good to honor those who died.

  10. A very sad day that will always be remembered.

  11. That is truly heartbreaking. Can you imagine having lost a loved one or friend that way? Just pure evil, those who did that fiendish thing. God Bless America. xoxo


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