Saturday, April 24, 2021

Smoothie Time

I love smoothies and make them often.  My go to is frozen blueberries, frozen banana chunks, a handful of spinach, a tablespoon of peanut butter and cashew or almond milk, I use to make one several times a week and take it to work with me. 

I have a old blender that I have been using but it's kind of a pain and doesn't work very well. I have to shake the container and stir it and keep adding liquid before I finally could get a smoothie that was the right consistency. 

Anyway, one day I had had enough of this blender and it's shenanigans and went to Amazon and ordered myself this! 

This is one powerful little smoothie maker.  First time I tried it using my go to smoothie ingredients it blended everything up in about 5 seconds! 

I thought I would make a smoothie using one of the recipes in the little booklet that came with it. 

It's frozen mangos, strawberries, pineapple, half of an orange and orange juice. It's called a Sunset Smoothie. 

It was pretty good but next time I may replace one of the fruits with banana because that gives it a slight sweetness. 

Plus I like to put some kind of vegetable it it, too! 

It also has a attachment to make smoothie bowls, which I actually never heard of before. Apparently its a super thick smoothie that you top with something like granola or chia seeds or oatmeal and eat it out of a bowl, kind of like a parfait. Doesn't sound like something I would be interested in but you never know! 

In other news...

Maxwell and Levi got haircuts the other day. They looks like such big boys now!

My son is coming into town from New Hampshire on Monday for a week. We haven't seen him since November so I'm looking forward to it. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 


  1. The boys look adorable! Glad you got yourself a good smoothie maker, well worth it if you have them often. I have one just about every day. My go to is similar to yours - Mixed frozen berries, 1/2 frozen banana, a heaping tablespoon of Greek vanilla yogurt, a teaspoon of local honey, ice and almond milk. Enjoy your time with your son Jeanette!

  2. I think the haircuts turned out very well! The smoothie bowls sound really interesting, and good!

  3. My son got that blender from his wife for Christmas as he (obviously) wanted it. He was into juicing (remember when that was popular?) It was amazing with juicing veggies how many veggies were needed for one drink. I digress, lol.

    Yum on the smoothies. Glad you invested in the Ninja one! With summer and hot weather coming around the corner, I'm sure it will be put to good use!!

    Your grands look so cute with their grown up hair cuts!! It really does change our looks when we get our locks cut. Glad you'll be having a visit with your son soon!


  4. A great post! I love your blog. Your content is very interesting < 3 I am following you and invite you to me

  5. Awww, your grandsons look super cute. I don’t make a lot of smoothies, probably because of the blender issues you described!

  6. Enjoy your visit with your son :)
    The boys are cuties.
    Janna has been asking me to make her smoothies, I keep meaning to find recipes because I don't even know where to start. I know how to make milkshakes, but that's it.

  7. Ohhhh, we have a Ninja!!!

    We used it for a while... then didn't.... Put it away, because I don't like things on my counter...

    We should take it out and start using it again! Thank you!

    Ohhh, 'big boy' look. A wee bit sad though hu? -smile-

    Gentle hugs,
    'Beside a babbling brook' blog

  8. Your grandsons look so cute with their new haircuts.
    I'm the odd one out here but I care for smoothies. I'd rather chew my calories. :)

  9. I was on a smoothie kick a few years back. I haven't had one in a long time though. The smoothie bowl might be a good substitute for ice cream in the summer.
    The boys look quite handsome with their hair cuts.

  10. Smoothies are okay - I do have a lot of plain yogurt on hand - maybe I should find a recipe for smoothies so I can use it up.

    I prefer chocolate milk

  11. That looks so good! I usually get on a smoothie kick in the summer. It's just too hot to cook and a nice cool smoothie makes for a quick lunch.

  12. The boys do look grown-up; so darn cute.
    I used to have a smoothie every day but stopped since the protein I was using had cholesterol in it, but you've inspired me to try some without the protein. Having the right equipment is the way to go, so enjoy!

  13. Awwww... Maxwell & Levi are soooooo precious!!! As my mother used to say they "got their ears lowered". She'd say that about any male that got his hair cut. *haha*

    I've often wondered about the Ninja. Thank you for the good review. I have a juicer which is great too but boy oh boy, the carbs can add-up superfast when drinking juices & smoothies. These smoothies you describe here would send my blood sugar into the stratosphere. *sigh* But I sure did love them... when I could still drink them. ~Andrea xoxo

  14. I love smoothies!! And those smoothie bowls sound good too. Love the photo of "your boys"... precious.

  15. My girls got me a Ninja Foodi for my birthday in March! I love that thing. My smoothies take about 25 seconds to make but that's still a good deal. My two favorites are: Morning smoothie -- frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, half a frozen banana, two packets of Splenda, a dollop of plain whole milk yogurt, about a half cup of unsweetened almond milk, and a navel orange. I know it sounds like a lot and it is, but if you pack it right, it makes a great big wonderful sweet and tangy smoothie! The boys would love it. Evening smoothie: a bunch of spinach, a glass of ice water (with the ice), two packets of Splenda, a Granny Smith apple, and a whole lemon. This is so wonderful! It does take a little longer to make, to process the spinach ... maybe 40 seconds. So worth it. xoxo


  16. Smooooooothie! In our house we can't say Smoothie without saying like Cameron Diaz in the movie What Happens in Vegas. My girls love smoooooooothie's and I got them ninja's for Christmas last year. They use them all of the time. Me.. not a smooooothie girl ~ even though I like saying it. hahahah. The boys are adorable!!!

  17. That looks like a very posh smoothie maker!
    Enjoy seeing your son!


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