Sunday, May 2, 2021

Son Shine and a Clock

My son Christopher has lived in New Hampshire for the past three years. He tries to get home as often as he can and last summer we took a strange pandemic road trip to visit him. He also comes home for deer hunting with his dad every November and that was the last time we saw him until last Tuesday. 

Rich picked him up at the airport and within a few hours we were at Shauna's so he could visit with his nephews.

They are always so excited to see him! Especially because he brings them toys! 

It was a nice day so we spent a lot of time playing in the yard!

Here Maxwell and Levi were telling Uncle Chris about the dogs that live next door!

While he was here he was finally able to pick up the rest of his belongings from his ex-wife. One of those was a clock that he made for me in shop class in Middle school. 

In 1991, 30 years ago! 

I gave it to him to hang in his house when they first bought it. It's a long story as to why it took so long for me to get it back but now I have it again so it's all good! 

I  hung it up in our living room. I told him he can have it back when I die! 

It was so nice to have him here for a few days! 

We took a few selfies before he left. He was being his usual goofy self and had me laughing! 

I'm always a little depressed for a day or two after he leaves but he'll be back in mid June for Maxwell's T-ball game.  And he's also going on vacation with us all of us in July! Plus he wants to fly us out to see him in the Fall so I'm looking forward to lots of  son time! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. So nice to have a visit from your son! I can relate to you being depressed when he leaves. My youngest had moved way out to New Mexico a few years back. I couldn't stand it. Thankfully he moved back and now my children all live in the same city as I do. I don't see them often but I just like knowing they are all close by. Thanks for sharing the photos. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. :)

  2. A time of outdoor fun, at your house too. -smile-

    🌷🌷Blogs are little First Amendment machines🌷🌷

  3. Beside seeing your son, it is so good to see you! So glad you were able to get together, things are really looking up now for the country. The clock is just beautiful, looks like one you would buy in a jewelry store!

  4. Awww, I bet they love their Uncle Chris! That’s great that you’ll get to see him so much this year. I’m always sad when my son leaves after visiting, too. Seeing him 5 or 6 times/year is never enough. And that’s a special clock! Thanks for sharing the great pics of all of you!

  5. Awesome photos. We tried house hunting in NH, very little inventory on our budget, sigh...anyways, thank you for the smiles.

  6. How nice that you got to visit with your son

  7. I totally understand your feelings. Our son lives in KY. We just spent time with the whole family in the Smoky Mountains and it's always hard to say good bye. My son is also a goofball. :)
    Nice clock!

  8. Wow, that was a great clock he made for you!! Looks like a "professional" made it! Glad you eventually got it back :)

    Looked like it was a fun visit! Its neat that Chris makes the effort to come and see you guys as often as he can and sets up visits for you to him! Sounds like a great thing ahead with the family vacation come summer!

    I wonder if our kids know how much we miss them and want to keep in touch with them after they are all grown up and out on their own. I bet they don't appreciate it until they have children of their own (assuming they want children) and their children grow up and leave the nest.

    Great pictures of the two of you!


  9. It must be so lovely to have your son visit. And what a fabulous clock he made.

  10. How sweet to have that clock and have it back in your hands! He is a handsome young man and I know your heart was filled while he visited. Isn't it great to have something to look forward to now? TRIPS!

  11. I'm glad you were able to visit with your son.
    That clock is amazing.

  12. Wonderful, Jeanette! Son time is always the best time. I look forward to every moment I can spend with my Andrew, too. He always makes things more fun. Your clock is beautiful. I know you'll enjoy having it. xoxo

  13. I know just how you feel after spending time with son!!
    Loved your selfies!!

  14. I'm glad you got to spend some time together. That clock is so cool and in great shape.


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