Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother's Day

 I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. 

We had Shauna, Brad, the boys and Brads parents over for a Mother's Day Brunch. 

I did this in 2019 to make things easier on Shauna and Brad so they wouldn't have to haul the kids to both places. It worked out well but unfortunately due to COVID I didn't have them over in 2020. 

This year I've decided to continue the tradition. We've been getting together with them for holidays and birthdays for the past year anyway so why not Mother's Day too! 

I only put a pink plastic tablecloth on the table with some flowers. 

I have this serving plate that I bought at a garage sale a long time ago. I like it because I can decorate it for different occasions. 

I had this pink ribbon with lace so I used to to decorate the plate I used to put little brownie bites on. 

I didn't take a picture with the brownies on them but didn't last for long anyway! 

Speaking of decorations, here is my latest dollar store holiday sign. 

Since I'm pro USA every day of the year I figured this will be good to stay here until at least Halloween when I replace it with a Fall decoration! 

Instead of leaving you with a picture of my grandsons, I will leave you with a picture of a cat on a hot tin roof! 

Well, I don't think the roof is tin or hot either but hey, it's a cat on a roof!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. I love pink and your table looks beautiful, Jeanette!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I love that plate! I’m not sure I would have thought to string ribbon through it. That is so nice of you to include your daughter’s in-laws. Before my kids got married, I pictured doing that. But one set lives in China and the other is sadly just not interested.

  3. I love the cat on the roof. And the sign is very nice. How versatile this plate is!! Years ago, my mom had a set of china plates with little decorative holes around them. She decided to serve ice-cream and cake on them. When the ice-cream melted, it all dripped through the holes!

  4. Love the serving plate, the USA hanger-upper, and especially the cat on the hot tub roof!!

    Your celebration sounds perfect.

  5. Happy Mother's Day. I'm glad you were able to get together with your family this year. We had a cat who got on the roof all the time and would yowl for hours until we helped her get down. Then a few days later, she'd repeat the whole thing again! Silly cat could get up there but couldn't figure out how to get down on her own.

  6. It's so nice of you to include Brad's parents in the celebrations. I hope you didn't work too hard and were able to enjoy it to!

  7. Sounds like you had a nice Mothers Day.

  8. I think it's great that you do things with the whole extended family and what a blessing this is for the kids. I like the cat on the roof!

  9. How clever you were with that serving dish with how you decorated it! It looks so cute and I bet the brownie bites were delicious!! Good idea to get together at one central place to celebrate than try to split up the day, etc to make multiple stops. I bet it was a fun time for all! I like your USA decoration and the cat on the roof :) Cute pictures!


  10. How nice to have all the family over at one time; I hope everyone had a great day.
    I have one of those serving dishes too, but I never use it to serve. We usually write on it (happy birthday, etc) with a white erase marker and use a plate stand for gatherings. Funny, I've never thought to use it for food. LOL

    The cat is hilarious!

  11. Awwwww kitty! Your plate is beautiful and I bet those brownie bites were good. And good for you, having the whole family over. Way to go! xoxo

  12. I'm glad you had a lovely mothers day. Here in the UK mothers Day was in March.

    Nice shot of the cat on the roof! I bet it was a good view up there.


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