Saturday, April 17, 2021

Chugging Along and A Spoiled Cat

I can hardly believe it's already the middle of April. This year is flying by!

I'm not complaining though because it's Spring and what's not to be joyful about that?

My Azalea that I planted last summer is coming back nicely. I always worry about new plants surviving their first Winter but it did fine. 

It even has wee little buds on it! 

My lilac bush is also coming back nicely with wee little buds! 

The white dogwood trees that line a street by our house are in full bloom, too!

This is just one section of the street. They actually go on for a mile or so. 

When we had the boys over last week we gave then containers with sand in them to play with. They love playing in the sandbox at the park and we don't have anywhere to put one here, so this is the next best thing!

They like to make forms with little cups and Levi gets more sand on the ground than anywhere else! 

Finally, our cat Coco has taken a liking to the cushion I made for my office chair.  She's spending a lot of time laying on it so I have resorted to using my stool I made for a desk chair!

Nothing spoiled about this cat!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Glad your plants made it through the winter! The dogwood trees lining the street are so pretty and the boys look like they are really having a good time with the boxes of sand, good solution! Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a ridiculously spoiled kitty. Enjoy the weekend. :)

  2. Cute pics of the boys and the sand.
    We have a dogwood in our back yard that is blooming too. I love Spring bloom!
    Cats are so funny. We spoiled ours too. :)

  3. So many dogwood trees in a row is absolutely beautiful!!!
    Glad your young plants made it through the winter.

  4. LOL; those pets certainly have a way of taking over, don't they? Glad to hear she is spoiled! They all should be, right?

    Great idea about the literal sand boxes. And I like that they have lids on them. That way no critter can get into them in any shape and form and use it for taking care of their business if you know what I mean. I used to love playing with my kids for hours at the park in the sand making castles and the like. Your grands looked like they were having a fun time!

    Pretty with the signs of spring showing up in your neck of the woods. I always enjoy watching colorful blooming of trees!

    And I know what you mean. How can it be April already? The summer and hot weather are just around the corner here.


  5. I know what you mean abotu Coco! When our Simba is in a chair that I want, I will not push him off. The little individual sandboxes are a great idea. The dogwood row is beautiful! They are so full, often Dogwoods are quite soarse.

  6. We bought a lilac bush last year and I’m happy to see that it’s green!

  7. Yes, the trees are blooming here too...although we have seem to have gone backwards in temps here. smiles

    Loved the photos of the grandsons, smiles. Have a beautiful Sunday friend.

  8. I love that you gave up your chair to your cat. Kids seem to have a special relationship with sand, they get so much enjoyment out of playing in it and with it

  9. What child, does not have funnnnn with sand?!?

    Adorable pics!

    Oh no, you are hurting your back, sitting on that stool, because the cat likes your cushion??????


  10. Awwwww... what a great idea about the sand!! I'd love to play in a box of sand myself, actually. :-) I'm so glad your plantings made it through the winter and are happy to see spring too. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. I always have a hard time getting plants to survive a winter. I'm so bad at gardening.
    Playing in the sand is always fun. I remember when my kids would play in the sandbox for hours. Of course they always had more sand outside of it than they did inside.

  12. Haha that is one spoilt cat!

    I love seeing all the buds on the trees at this time of the year. And the sun when it comes out!

  13. yay for blooming azaleas and dogwoods. We have them at our GA place and I was swooning over them on our last trip.
    So funny about the cat and the chair. Don't we just want our critters to be comforbable? Even if it means we are not?
    I love how you gave the boys their own private sandbox; very clever!!

  14. Nothing like a spoiled cat!! That's hilarious, AND sweet. (I do the same).

    Beautiful flowers & speaking of sweet...those boys are sweet too!!

  15. Cats have a way of taking over a house or a favorite chair :)
    I think I will try your idea for the sandboxes with my grandsons. They love playing in dirt, but we have country critters. Something with a tight lid on it would be great.

  16. Hi Jeanette! Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad your plants survived winter. We had so much unusual icy weather that I thought for sure some of my landscaping were goners. Thankfully everything is coming back nicely. The sandbox looks like fun. I always loved having a sand box when I was little, but the cats would end up using it as THEIR sandbox - haha! And your kitty is spoiled, just as all good kitties should be. We have 3 and they rule the house!

  17. Wow I hope your azalea does well. Ours bloomed weeks ago and you would not believe how big the bushes are here in the south! They're massive and so fluffy. Our son-in-law planted our big poolside pots in sun-loving flowers last week and they look so cute. They make me happy just to see them. I hope they don't die just because it's me watering them ... sometimes I think plants just don't like me. We shall see. xoxo


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