Thursday, April 8, 2021

Easter and Stuff

 We had a nice Easter celebrating with Brad's family. 

Brad's mom, Sandy, had plastic eggs hidden all over their back yard. They boys had a blast running around looking for them! Then they were "cracking" them on the table and opening them up! 

Then she brought out two buckets full of little toys and candies and a few wrapped presents for each one! She definitely went overboard! 

We had a good time though and it was a beautiful day outside, too! 

There is a house not to far from us that has the whole back part of their yard planted with daffodils. This is the best picture I could get without stepping on to their property. If you click on the picture and make it bigger you can get a better view.  It's really pretty and I look forward to seeing all of them flowers every Spring! 

I've been scanning old pictures and this one was taken in Grand Haven back in 2005 when we went for a visit. The stone is there in memory of people who have lost their lives after being swept off the pier and in honor of those who tried to save them. 

This is a view down the pier with the lighthouse. When it's stormy the waves on Lake Michigan can get huge!  If you are  on the pier they can come up and sweep you right off! It happens a few times every year on various Lake Michigan piers. 

The sunsets with the pier and light house silhouetted are so beautiful! My header picture was also taken in Grand Haven several years later.  

This is a close up of the GM tower at the Renaissance Center that I talked about in my anniversary post a few weeks back. It was taken in 2005 when the baseball All-Star game was at Comerica Park in Detroit. 

They had a picture of a baseball smashing into the tower with "4,612 Ft" which is the distance from home plate in Comerica Park! I thought it was pretty clever! 

That's about it for me right now. We have had beautiful weather the last few days. Got our deck furniture all cleaned up and am looking forward to many hours sitting out there enjoying the beautiful weather!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Wow I am never going to stand on a pier in Michigan, now! That is an awful way to go. Love the baseball smashing into the GM building. So clever. I'm glad you had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter, and that it's warming up! xoxo

  2. The pier is beautiful, especially with this exquisite sunset! And the daffodil house had a wonderful idea! What a fun Easter!

  3. So glad you had a nice Easter. The photos are all great. I love the daffodils and the pier shots are beautiful. I sure don't think I'd ever go out there in stormy weather though! Enjoy the beautiful weather. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a nice Easter. How awesome that must be to see those daffodils every spring.
    That's quite sad that so many people get washed off the piers.

  5. Nana went overboard. -smile- I don't blame her. She was so happy to welcome you, again.

    Alllllll the Great Lakes! Oh yes, their weather can be, as on an ocean. Very dangerous.

    Plus, the winter weather can be a bit wild too!

    🎀 💟 🎀

  6. Easter sounds like a fun day making happy memories.
    Bet those daffodils are beautiful in person.

  7. Those daffodils are beautiful. We have a few daffodil trails in parks near me. We took advantage of the gorgeous weather to go see them.

  8. It looks like a fun Easter celebration!
    The daffodils are so beautiful! I guess we need to plant more. :)
    You know I like your Grand Haven pics. I've been at the pier when the waves are huge and crashing over it. I've seen people surfing out there too!

  9. I don't think I could go on that pier lol but the sunsets sure could be gorgeous to see in person!

    Easter egg hunts are so fun for the little ones. I remember with my kids growing up they wanted them hidden several times and then wanted to hide them for me and hubby to find.


  10. It looks you had a wonderful Easter with the boys.

    Those daffodils are gorgeous.

  11. I am *totally* one of those "overboard" grandmas. *lol* In fact, I'm an overboard mom too, as even my adult children get Easter baskets they hunt for, overflowing with all sorts of gifts & goodies, like the grandgirls' baskets. Brings me such joy to be an overboard-sort of person. **giggle** It looks & sounds like you had a wonderful Easter and I'm so glad. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you a happy weekend, my friend. smiles

  13. Small, small world! I didn't realize you were in or near Grand Haven MIL was born there. Quite a lot of family history [and names may still be 'well-known] in G. Haven. How very fun to know this.

    Sounds like a fabulous Easter for the youngsters! It's so nice to read that family fun is going back to normal again. And those daffodils filling the yard is marvelous.

    Wonderful lake images. And lighthouse.

  14. Crazy about the big waves on Lake Michigan. I never would have thought that with it being a lake and all.

    Looks like the boys had a nice Easter. I love daffodils...would love to see so many at once too.


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