Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Eve

Easter Eve? Is it officially Easter eve or maybe it's just called Holy Saturday. 

Friday we went to Shauna's to help the boys color Easter eggs, 

I bought them these cute little aprons to wear so they don't get dye on their clothes. 

It was fun. Maxwell was dying eggs like a pro

Levi was having fun mixing the colors until all his tubs held the same color. Luckily we got him to dye a couple eggs different colors first! 

I made their Easter baskets and we brought them to them on Friday because Sunday will be getting baskets from the Easter Bunny and also from Brad's parents! 

They liked all the little toys I put in there and of course, the candy. Plus we were all helping them eat it! 

Tomorrow we are going to Brads parents for Easter brunch. They invite us every year. We haven't gotten together with our families for Easter for several years, and especially not the last two years!

I hope you all have a blessed and Happy Easter. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 


  1. That looks like fun! My two grands came over today to celebrate. I had a blast filling their Easter baskets with things like Thomas toothbrushes and Paw Patrol magic coloring books.

  2. They are so adorable! I miss when my kids were that age, and I can't wait to have grandchildren. I wish my kids would hurry it up already before I get too old to enjoy it. I'm so glad you had a great time with them. Enjoy Easter brunch and spending time with family tomorrow. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Fun times. I remember coloring eggs when my kids were little.
    Saturday is the 'in between' day. :)

  4. Aw, they look like they had a good time coloring eggs. It's been a long time since I've done that with little ones.

  5. Looks like they had a great time, and I bet you did too. Those Easter aprons are cute.
    It's so nice that Brads parents invite you. Have a wonderful day!
    I have to work tomorrow because we are short nurses and several are on vacation for Spring Break. We have nothing planned for the evening so it will be a quiet Easter this year. That's ok though!

  6. What fun. Making wonderful memories with them! And such cute aprons! I imagine they didn't want to take them off!

  7. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  8. Happy Easter to you too! Have a beautiful day! ~Andrea xoxo

  9. AWESOME!!!!! Wishing you a beautiful Easter, my friend. smiles

  10. Happy Easter and have a blessed day with your family. Love the pictures of the boys and the Easter traditions they are learning about.

  11. Nothing like Little Ones, to make any Celebration, a funnnnnn one.

    Great idea, those aprons!!!!!! Good thinking Nana!!!!!

    Happy Easter

  12. Coloring eggs used to be such fun when our kids were little. Sweet aprons!!!

  13. Those are pretty amazing Easter baskets! Maxwell and Levi are fortunate little guys. I'm glad you had a pleasant Easter Eve as well as Easter Sunday! xoxo

  14. So cute with the grands dying the eggs! They always have so much fun doing so. Then so much fun to eat them if the like the taste of hard boil eggs. Baskets looked cute too! We colored eggs with the grand kids but I didn't do baskets this year or an egg hunt like in years past.

    I am back to blogging and started a new one. If you are interested following along email me and I will send you a link to it. My email address is


  15. It must be so much fun making these sweet memories with the boys. Funny about mixing ALL the colors; kids! What'cha gonna do? ;)
    Happy belated Easter to you and yours.


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