Monday, March 29, 2021

Easter Décor and More

When the kids grew up and went out on their own I stopped putting out any of my Easter decorations. Actually stopped with any decorations except for Christmas. I never was one for decorating for every holiday so it wasn't really a big deal. 

Gradually though for the past few years I have been adding little decorations here and there for different holidays. Most of them come from the dollar store as I really don't want to spend a lot of money on them, except for Christmas of course because it's my favorite holiday to decorate for. 

This is what I have for Easter décor this year.  

This pretty Easter tree that I have had for years. 

This little Easter tree with a bunny family. The tree lights up. The boys like to play with the little bunnies.

This candle which I think came from the dollar store years ago. It looks like it could use a little cleaning!

Three little bunny candles in a wooden crate. I think this is a dollar store find from many years ago, also. 

These two towels hanging over the microwave and the plaque below that I posted about before were all from the dollar store this year. 

That's about it for the Easter stuff but I've been also doing a little bit of Spring decorating, too. 

I saw this paper flower arrangement at Home Goods and thought it would look good

in this vase that was from flowers I received from a co-worker when I retired. 

I put the arrangement on my antique sewing machine where the bunny house sits temporarily.  I like it. 

Lastly, we had to boys for a sleep over last night. We made them popcorn for a snack. 

They like to pull up the stools from the island and watch the popcorn bag get bigger and bigger!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends


  1. You have the cutest things for Easter. I had not expected much after your introduction. And you've reminded me that I have a furry rabbit. I must take it out and dust it off for Easter. Maybe post it on my blog too, since it is very cute.

  2. I'm not one for decorating for all the holidays. I don't like to pack things up and put them away. I just keep things that I love out all the time. Just change them around often. :)
    Love that glass vase!!!

  3. Your decorations are all cute! I change out my decorations too, more for seasons than actual holidays except for Christmas.
    The pic our your boys watching the popcorn is so cute!

  4. I love all of your beautiful Easter and spring decorations, so cute! I stopped decorating much once my kids were all grown and on their own too. The boys are adorable with their chairs pulled up watching the popcorn. I bet you have so much fun with them. Have a great week. :)

  5. I like your decorations. Dollar stores are the best place to find them
    A sleepover sounds like fun.

  6. I like them ALL. But my favorites are the plaque and the bunnies with their tree house.

  7. Awww, those look great! I have a mini Christmas tree that I decorate at Easter with little wooden eggs.

  8. Your Easter and Spring decorations are very cute. I'm sure the boys enjoy them too. What a simple delight; watching popcorn POP!

  9. I love bringing out stuff for the holidays (keeps the house somewhat dusted at least), and lifts my spirits. I like all your Easter!! (And those paper flowers are pretty).

    Cute boys.

  10. Precious decorations...

    All I have are jelly beans, in the base of a canning jar lamp. Not much at all!!!!

    Ahhhh, that is what they are watching!!!!!!!! So cute!

    Gentle hugs...

  11. Everything is so sweet, especially those two little guys! I love your flower arrangement -- especially that vase! I have amassed a small collection of bunnies, just enough for the kitchen spaces because when company comes, that's where we spend the majority of our time -- eating! Haahaaha ... Happy Easter, Jeanette!

  12. Awwww... I love all your decorations, Jeanette! They do seem to cheer up a household, don't they? I didn't decorate for Easter this year but we're having our masked & socially distanced driveway Easter party on Sunday so I'll have some decor out there. ~Andrea xoxo

  13. Back again...

    I thought of you this morning, when I was putting Lemon Curd on my Vanilla Bread! -smile-



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