Friday, May 21, 2021

Part 3 Munising and Pictured Rocks

For the the next part of our little getaway we booked 2 nights at an Airbnb in Downtown Munising. 

It was this 2 bedroom apartment above a brewery! It was pretty cute and comfortable. 

There is not a lot going on right now in these small upper peninsula towns. One reason is a lot of businesses have closed down due to not surviving the COVID close down last summer. These small UP towns depend a lot on the summer tourists! I really hope things pick up for all of them this summer! 

Also a lot of activities don't start until after Memorial Weekend. 

We came to Munising to visit the Pictured Rocks. 

The Pictures Rocks are a very popular tourist destination in the Upper Peninsula. Once again here is Wikipedia.

Pictured Rocks derives its name from the 15 miles (24 km) of colorful sandstone cliffs northeast of Munising. The cliffs reach up to 200 feet (60 m) above lake level. They have been naturally sculptured into a variety of shallow caves, arches, and formations resembling castle turrets and human profiles. 

They are pretty impressive and the best way to see them is by boat tour. We did this several years ago. Here and here are a couple posts I did when we visited in 2008. Of course they weren't running the tours yet so we didn't get to go on one but we were able to hang around a couple places on the top of the cliffs. 

This formation is called Miners Castle. This view is from the upper observation platform. 

This is a closer look at Miners Castle from the other side lower observation platform. You can see from the footprints in the sand that people actually go off the platform right up to the formation. Not me! There is cliffs on both sides!!

We walked a beautiful trail along the top of the cliffs. The weather was beautiful and Lake Superior was smooth as glass most of the time we were there! 

We also went to a beach which is right in the middle of  Pictured Rocks called Miners Beach. My brother took another selfie of us!  

Next time I'll talk about Fayette Historic State Park and Big Spring. 

Until then stay safe and well my friends. 



  1. That is such a pretty area! My son and his wife went kayaking at Pictured Rocks last summer. They drove a big loop from Ohio, up to Traverse City and the UP, then to Madison, WI and Chicago.

  2. Great photos and such amazing views!

  3. America the Beautiful! I love these posts, Jeanette. I have never been to these places and now I'm anxious to see them! I would love this kind of a trip. God be with the small towns of the UP this summer! xoxo

  4. Absolutely gorgeous pictures, Jeanette, of places only The Almighty could have built. Absolutely wonderful... as is the picture of you & your brother. You're going to love having those keepsakes and so will he. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. What an awesome place! I did not even know it exists! Those people who walk up there by the cliffs are NUTS. We never go anywhere, so I am sure loving your trip!

  6. Wow, what a pretty area. That first picture of Miners Castle from above is stunning. I would love to walk that trail in the 6th picture.

  7. I love Pictured Rocks and Munising! We were there for a week a few years back. The sun was shining as we left, and part way up, it started raining. It rained every single day we were there and the tours were cancelled. The day we left, the sun came out again. Grrr!
    Fayette is another of my favorite places. I'm so enjoying taking this trip with you!

  8. Such pretty pictures and sites you visited! I never stayed in an AirBnB but this one looks really cute over a brewery. I would have enjoyed that walk you did. I'd probably would have taken tons of pictures :)


  9. What a beautiful area, I've enjoyed traveling virtually through your pictures.

  10. The views are breathtaking. Look how flat the water is!
    It's such a shame that so many businesses in Michigan have suffered so much. Your governor went a bit overkill and look at it now? Praying people start visiting again and things pick up.


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