Saturday, June 26, 2021

Rain, Rain Go Away

Yesterday it rained non-stop all day, even pouring a few times! According to the Michigan forecast it's supposed to be cloudy and rainy for the next 5 days. My mental health is taking a big hit!

In spite of the rain I managed to get to a few estate sales. One of them was at a 1.5 million dollar house and the house next door was also for sale at $1.95 million! I didn't take any pictures, though. 

One estate sale company was advertising for help. I was talking to one of the workers and she was telling me that they are very flexible with their hours and the pay was pretty good, too! Plus they had a sign-on bonus after a certain time. How I would love to work for a estate sale company! The only problem is a lot of the sales are far away from where I live, like 50 or more miles. It would mean driving back and forth for 3-4 days in a row! I don't really want to do that because a) I can't put those kind of miles on my leased car, and B) the actual drives themselves would involve very busy expressways! 

Anyway, one of the sales had several tables full of jewelry. 

This is just one of them. I love looking at estate sale jewelry but seldom buy it. I already have enough jewelry that I don't wear! 

Another sale was in a warehouse and was a estate liquidation company sale. 

There were two floors just loaded with all kinds of pictures, lamps, vases, mirrors and tons and tons of dried flower arrangements! All very ornate stuff that was not my style at all! 

I visited three estate sales and all I bought was a coffee mug! I only go to look at the houses anyway! 

I did manage to get this blurry picture of a license plate on the truck in front of me. It's hard to read but it says CASKET! Wonder the story about that?

I'll leave you with our two baby robin snatchers neighborhood cats Gabriele and Rosita hanging on our deck waiting for Rich to give them treats! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. It rained a lot yesterday but it’s very sunny and humid today. I’ve only been to one estate sale that I can remember. The stuff was all old furniture and assorted junk, so it turned me off.

  2. Wow with all the rain! Would love to have a day of solid rain here! But I know what you mean. I prefer bright sunny to dreary days so a lot of rainy days would not do me good either.

    Interesting estate sales! I love to go to them. In fact we went to one a few weeks ago that I was going to blog about. I also go to look at the houses more than looking to buy anything though I saw on someone's blog that they go to estate sales a lot on the last day when things are marked down 50% and buy things and then list them on eBay. I'm not sure I'm that ambitious though it could be a good side business. I think research on what to get to list on eBay would be the key. I'm like you, it would be fun to work them but not if you had to drive those many miles. It also saddens me to go to estate sales when you realize for one reason or another (usually aging and death) have caused them to liquidate everything and you see collections that matter to the people but now no one wants to buy them.

    Cute cats :)

    Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Too much rain is depressing....

    I don't want anything from estate sales. But when they have been held,in big, old homes here... I go to see inside the houses!!!!

    🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓 🍓

  4. That's too bad about the estate sale position. I'd love to do that too but won't want to deal with the traveling, especially on busy highways. I love just going to estate sales too, never know what you might find. I hope the weather has cleared up for you for the weekend! :)

  5. I have never been to an estate sale, but would really love to!! And we have something in common! Our car is leased as well. Do you lease on a regular basis? This was our first time, and the three year lease is up in October. Then we can either go ahead and buy the car, or lease another new one. But the prices of new and used cars have skyrocketed right now.

  6. We had some of the rain late last week and early this week.
    I haven't been to a good sale in a long long time. I would love browsing through that wharehouse.

  7. I enjoy going to estate sales!!
    Funny, you getting so much rain and others have no rain and 100 degrees.
    We've been getting both rain and sun in good amounts.

  8. I'm tired of rain too! We were supposed to have part of our house painted this week, it got pushed to next week but that doesn't look good either. We've had 10 inches of rain in the last 3 days!
    Those sales look like fun! I have 2 friends who work estate sales on this side of the state. :)

  9. I can see why you wouldn't want to take that job... way too much driving for me too. And I'd probably spend my check in "stuff" that I'd buy anyway. *haha* I need to HAVE an estate sale rather than attend one. :-D I'll bet you had fun browsing though. Just getting out of the house is nice these days. ~Andrea xoxoxo PS~ I thought of you when I saw an ad for employment at our local senior center. Noon-4pm, Monday thru Friday, holidays, weekends, and bad weather off. Greeting people, being in charge of registering new memberships, etc. etc. I almost applied myself! *lol*

  10. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Please send the rain here, we need it...I would also love that job, grin. I hope you have a beautiful week ahead, smiles.

  11. I would definitely spend too much $ and time at the jewelry.

  12. TUXIE CAAAAAATS!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! They look so much like my Sweetness! I just adore tuxedo cats. Can't get enough of them. My daughter Audrey just got one! They're just so cute, I can't stand it. And their TUXITUDE! Can't beat it. WOW those trays of jewelry made me salivate. You'd be so good at that job ... maybe something will change and you can do that someday. Meanwhile ... all the STUFF is just overwhelming to me. I do not need any more stuff. But the CASKET license plate? Wow I'd like to know that backstory! Fascinating. xoxo

  13. Hi Jeanette. Oh, I LOVE estate sales! I would have great fun to going to some with you. I'd have to contain myself, though. I do have a tendency to do recreational shopping. ha hahhahaa Thanks for stopping by Writing Straight from the Heart and for commenting, too. Always love to see that you visited. Susan

  14. Haha being a Brit, I know all about rain, in fact as I write this it is pouring, and will be all day.

  15. It has been raining every day here in the South all summer! So tired of the rain. My yard is such a mess because we can't cut the grass. I love going junk shopping at estate sales and thrift stores. You never know what you'll find.


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