Sunday, June 20, 2021

Take Me Out To The (T) ball Game

My son Chris was in town this week. He flew in on Tuesday and left on Saturday night. 

He specifically came here to see Maxwell's one and only T-ball game. He was here for the practice on Tuesday and for the big game on Saturday morning. 

Of course, because you  can't count on Michigan weather for squat it was rainy and cold for Maxwell's game. They played 3 innings anyway and it was pretty cute if not a little uncomfortable. 

Here he is with his team (in front with the white pants) and with his little trophy!  Although he struggled a little with being so shy he says he'll play again next year. The league is for 4 and 5 year old's so he'll be at the upper age and also will have a year of pre-school behind him.

We also had a graduation party to go to and it stormed off and on the whole time! Luckily they had a big tent we were under! 

Then we dropped Chris off at the airport for his 9:00 flight back to New Hampshire. It's always a little sad and quiet at our house for a day or two when he leaves. Luckily we'll see him again for our family vacation up north! 

That was it for my week! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends


  1. Chris is a great uncle for coming out for Maxwell's one and only game! Glad you guys got to spend some time with him! I think I might have said it before but it is good for kids to be involved with sports. Bet Maxwell will grow in to being a less shy participant in the years ahead!


  2. Bad weather forboth the game and the party, just not FAIR!!

  3. Those T ball games are always so fun, with the cute little players! Glad he got to see 3 innings before the weather stopped things. We had crazy weather on the other side of the state too. Tonight they are saying severe weather, but so far the sun is shining.
    Have a good week!

  4. Too bad there was rain for the game. It's always cute watching the little ones play.

  5. I'm so glad you got some time with your son this week and how sweet that he came to see Maxwell's game! The kids playing T-ball or any sport at that age are so cute. I remember my youngest playing soccer at that age, he would stop and pick flowers (weeds) and bring them to me on the sideline right in the middle of the game lol!

  6. That’s a really cute trophy. I’m glad you had a nice visit with your son,

  7. adorable. So sorry your son had to leave...I know that must be hard to see him go home. smiles

  8. It's always so lonely when our loved ones leave, isn't it?! *sigh* I know exactly what you mean, my friend, and my thoughts are with you. And oh, those little ones and their sports!!! I love seeing them in their little uniforms, running around the ball field. I could go to a child's ballgame every evening, I swear! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. Lots of fun, gathered into a couple of days....

  10. How fun! And how super to have a huge sports fan fly in for the game!! Someday maybe Chris will attend the big league with Maxwell the star player. Love the trophy!!!

  11. That little Maxwell is the cutest thing! He has lots of innings left in his childhood. I'm so glad Chris made the effort to come and cheer him on. xoxo

  12. Oh, I remember when my boys played t-ball at that age. So cute.

  13. Dear Jeanette....SO happy your son came to visit. That was great. Thank you so much for visiting Writing Straight from the Heart and for commenting, too! Stop by any time. Susan

  14. I love that Uncle Chris came to see his favorite ball player! That is so very special. I know you enjoyed seeing him and even though the game was short and sweet, what a nice memory for Maxwell. This might be the thing that brings him out of his shell!


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