Sunday, August 22, 2021

The One Where We Babysat For Days

I think I'm going to start titling my posts like Friends episodes used to be!

Shauna and Brad went to Las Vegas last week for four days. On Monday morning they dropped the boys off at Brad's mom Sandy's house, we met them there and took them to the airport.

They stayed with Sandy the first night. We picked them up on Tuesday after dinner and took them to spend the night at our house. 

On Wednesday we took them to a local farm to see the animals and to take a wagon ride. 

I have to say they were not impressed with either! It was pretty hot outside and not a lot of shade. I thought they would be excited to ride the wagon because it was pulled by a tractor, and they love tractors but eh....

Later that day we took them back to their house for the night because Shauna and Brad were coming home on Thursday. 

We filled their pool and and they had fun pushing each other down the slide into it! On Thursday we were going to take them to dinner and the dairy queen for ice cream but we ended up just staying at the house and getting pizza for dinner. It was so hot and to tell the truth, strapping them into their car seats is a real PITA! No wonder Shauna doesn't take them a lot of places by herself! 

Anyway, Rich picked Shauna and Brad up at the airport and they were home by 7:45.  

It was exhausting but such a joy to be able to spend so much time with these guys! 

On Friday I went to a local thrift store because they were selling all their clothes for 50% off. I bought 4 sleeveless tops, one long and one short sleeved t-shirt, knitting needles, a skein of yarn, and a bunch of pipe cleaners for a grand total of $14.84! Gotta love thrift stores! 

Work is going good. I ended up having to work on Saturday from 2-7 by myself because the person I was supposed to work with had a family emergency. It was my first time being alone but it went ok. I'm getting the hang of educating people on the benefits of CBD. A lot of people ask me if I use it and to tell the truth, I've only used gummies before to help me sleep. I think the owner, Kate, wants me to try everything eventually. 

It's possible I may have bitten off a little more than I want to chew with this job, though. Besides Kate, there are only 4 other workers and when someone is on vacation or calls off for whatever reason, everyone else has to work extra. I know it makes me sound a little selfish to say this, but I only want to work 20 hours a week. I suppose that is the downside to working for a small business. Everything else is perfect though so we'll see how it goes! 

Lastly, our community is having their bi-annual garage sale this weekend. It was cancelled last year so everyone is glad to see it back this year.  I thought this sign was pretty clever! 

I told the people I liked their sign and they told me I could have it for free with the purchase of their 40" Sony TV. 

No thanks! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. i know what you mean about putting the little ones in car seats. We had a fit with our oldest granddaughter when she was a toddler! Phil would be sore for days afterward! What fun you gave the boys! So, did you get to the yard sale yet, and if so, what did you buy?

  2. As lovely as it is looking after grandchildren is exhausting! We went to a Wedding yesterday with about 100 guests. I'm just praying no on got covid. It's the biggest gathering I've been in for nearly 2 years!

  3. I think I would have chose to get pizza over strapping two boys into car seats too.
    Love that sign for the yard sale.

  4. It's so fun to have the grands, but it does tire one out! ANd you are right about those car seats. It's very hot on this side of the state too, and so humid.
    I like that sign too

  5. I totally agree with you on the car seats. I always manage to hit their heads trying to put them in! The high chairs are bad enough these days. I watched my 2 grandkids this month while my daughter and SIL were in the hospital having their third baby. I was exhausted after 3 days!

  6. Such fun with the grands, but I know it can be exhausting! Our grandson moved up to the next level of car seats, lol, as he is 5-1/2 and over 40 pounds. So much easier to strap him in but his previous one was always a struggle for me.

    That was a cute sign for the community yard sale :) I love yard sales like that!

    Hang in there with the job. Maybe once summer is over things will settle down and you'll get the lesser hours that you want to work :)


  7. Hi Jeanette - I've closed down my blog - you can find me on my other blog until I find out how to switch it off this platform and on to another. I don't have that many followers or commenters but the ones I do have I appreciate and wanted to at least touch bases with you. Take care.

  8. I'm sure it was more dealing with the intense heat for the little ones...once they got to play in the water they were two different boys!!!

    Live the deal you got at the thrift store.

  9. You don't sound selfish at all, Jeanette. That's honestly why I don't want to get a job.... I don't want anyone to tell me what to do with my time. I'm retired now & I've done that since I've been 19 years old. Now I want my time to be my own. Youngest daughter worked 40 hrs last week. She doesn't drive a car & we don't have a spare one even if she did. I set my alarm every morning at 7am to get, make my coffee, pack her lunch, etc. Then hubby set his alarm for 8am to get up, get dressed, and take daughter to work. Honest to gawd, it felt like all of a sudden we both were un-retired again... and I didn't like it a one bit. Oh well... I'll get over it. Good luck with your job. I hope you can make it work, if that's what you wish to do. ~Andrea xoxoxoxo

  10. Oh dear, now you're going to have to be a team player! Ugh ... I actually don't do well in such situations either. I like to do my own thing and I totally understand your wanting to keep to the schedule you signed on for. But maybe there won't be too many occasions where you're left holding the bag at work. Good times with those precious boys! Although hot summer days are often difficult for everyone. The pool was the best idea. xoxo

  11. Glad you got to spend time with the grands.
    Car seats are a big pain, especially when there is more than one child to strap in.
    Good job with the thrifting, I love thrift stores.

  12. Looks like the kids are having a great time. I have wished several times on these really hot days that I had that pool!!

  13. When I can't think of a clever post title, I use this type. :)
    You are so good to watch the boys for that long; I know they appreciated the time away and that the kiddos were in good hands.
    IT is too hot to do a lot of things and yes, car seats are a PITA.

    I love that yard sale sign too. Glad the job is going well and you are not selfish at all.


  14. As lovely as it is looking after grandchildren is exhausting!


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