Monday, November 1, 2021

Hiking in the Dark and Halloween

Happy November! I can't believe how this year is flying by! I have a urge to decorate for Christmas now. I plan on putting my tree up while Rich and Chris are hunting around the 15th. 

Saturday night we went on the Lantern Lit Hike at Island Lake State Park. I have been wanting to go for a few years. Two years ago the night we planned to go it was cancelled because there was ice on the trail. 

Last year it was cancelled because of Covid, because you know, it was dangerous to hike outside or whatever! 

This year we finally went. All I can say is "lantern lit hike" is kind of pushing it. There were lanterns lit for sure but they were spaced very far apart so you literally walked in pitch black until you got to this

Then you were in complete darkness again for a while until you came upon another lantern. 

Luckily we had our cell phones with us and Rich turned on the flashlight app between lanterns! 

Granted, the hike was from 6-9 and we didn't get there until about 8:00. Some of the lanterns were burning out already, plus it was cloudy so there was no moonlight. 

Rich says maybe we should go if they schedule one after it snows.  The snow  would light up the surroundings and probably make it easier to see! 

There was a sign at the beginning of the trail asking for donations to buy more lanterns! In my opinion, the state should supply them! I'm not complaining though. They do take good care of their state parks! 

In spite of all that we did enjoy it and I would go again for sure! 

Halloween was fun. I love going trick or treating with the boys!

They got a lot of candy considering they only went to approximately 10 houses total. People were giving away candy by the handful! Plus it was raining off and on! 

Finally, here is a picture of my little goblins from 1984. 

I have wonderful memories of Halloween when my kids were small. We lived in a great neighborhood with lots of kids! Walking through dried leaves on the sidewalk always brings back those memories to this day! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. I could not have handled that hike. I’d be afraid of tripping on sticks or tree roots, but it does look fun. I went trick or treating with my grandkids last night. So fun! They lasted an hour and a half!

  2. The boys are adorable! And dressed up as workers that little boys aspire to be. Well, did you see anything at all interesting other than lanterns? What part was fun?

  3. Wow I can't imagine such a hike in the dark. But that's because I am old! lol

    Yeah, why oh why has any one been afraid of being OUTSIDE, with people??? Bahhh-Humbug...

    And why oh why do people STILL think they have to be worried, outside?????

    Just more example of the Brain Washing that has been done to us. More Bahhh humbug.

    Cute Trick or Treaters.

    🍂 🍂 🍂

  4. I too loved Halloween with my boys. A neighbor friend and I would walk with our boys (she had 3 boys too) and we'd talk and catch up on stuff while our little guys would run around, house to house.

    That lantern walk looks spooky. I'd need a huge flashlight to feel safe due to my uneven eyesight right now.

  5. The grandboys looked awesome. I am not sure about that hike, grin. Thanks for the many smiles, my friend.

  6. Ya,I agree then...they need more layers...some hanging from tree branches even!? But I bet all in all it was kinda special.

    As are your sweet boys. Fantastic grandkids. And goblins (vampire) & witches from the past.

  7. Love that blast from the past picture. Looks like the boys got some good candy while they were out.

  8. The hike in the dark sure does sound like an adventure without any moon light. Thank goodness for cell phone flashlights! I hope you are able to go in the snow, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

  9. Didn't get any trick or treaters here - too remote.

  10. I agree that they need more lanterns! I'd be tripping over things for sure. It's still a cool thing to do.
    Cute little trick or treaters!

  11. I'm scared of the dark so no way would I take that hike, haaahaa! WOW the boys really got a haul of candy! Good job! xoxo

  12. Awwww... Jeanette, both the pictures from now & "then" are absolutely precious!!! Your description of the leaves while trick-or-treating instantly brought back memories that I had forgotten about.... the rustling of the leaves as I'd kick them while I walked, going from house-to-house, for trick-or-treat! Thank you for that.

    Nope, no way... I would not have liked hiking in the dark. We don't have a cell phone that lights-up (Dan's is an old flip phone and I don't have a phone at all) so we would have been stumbling around in the dark. So we wouldn't have gone. But I'm glad you two went and had a means of lighting your way. Just being outside is so enjoyable this time of year, isn't it.

    Love, Andrea xoxoxo

  13. I too would be uneasy thinking I might trip over a stick, rock or snake!
    The boys are so adorable; I love their costumes and the fact that they 'raked' in so much candy.
    Sweet pictures of your grown kiddos.

  14. Looks like they could do with some more lanterns I agree! But I can tell a fun time was had by all! Yes November already! It's getting dark so early now.

  15. I could get into a hike like that. BOO! Great pics of the kiddos.


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