Sunday, June 19, 2022

Deliver Woes and Other Stuff!


Yes, this post isn't about an Estate Sale for a change! I figured I would do a random post. I do have another estate Sale to tell you about but that can wait for the next time. 

Hey blogger, what's with some of my comments going into the spam folder?! I see that some of you are also having that problem! At least I got into the habit of checking now! 

 I thought this photo I got with my Amazon delivery was cute!

That's our outdoor cat standing guard to make sure no porch pirates take my package! 

Speaking of Amazon deliveries, a few weeks ago I was expecting a delivery from them. I noticed the driver pulled up between our house and the one next door. After he delivered a box to them and then us I went out to the deck to get it. There was no address on the box. It looked like it had been torn off. When I opened the box it was not the stuff I ordered so I took it next door. Sure enough, the box for me was sitting on their porch with my name on it. I knocked on the door and the girl who answered told me that what had been delivered to me was hers! 

I'm glad she didn't open my box because it contained some personal stuff. I did file a complaint with Amazon, too! People are always posting on the community FB page about not receiving packages or getting someone elses! This includes FedEx, UPS and USPS too! 

I ordered a pair of water shoes from Land's End. When I got notified by USPS they were delivered they weren't in my box. Luckily I caught the postal delivery person at the boxes and when he opened them to check, my shoes were in the wrong mailbox! I think he was embarrassed! I was just thankful I got to them before the other person did! They may not have returned them to me! 

These delivery people are just too busy and rushing all the time! 

OK I will tell you about one sale I went to. The sign said Estate Sale but it was outside in the garage! So no looking inside the house for me but they did have this for sale

A whole bin just loaded with Legos! Maxwell and Levi would have loved it and spent hours playing! Unfortunately at $150 it was way over my budget! 

I did manage to buy these for them, though. 

Brand new in the box. One for each of them. Even though it says 5+ on it Levi can put these together with a minimum of help. They are both Monster truck crazy! 

We watched some fireworks on Friday night. Canton had it's Liberty Fest this weekend and they always have fireworks on the first night. 

Here's Maxwell and Levi getting comfortable in the back of their dad's truck. 

It was a pretty good fireworks show. We viewed it from a parking lot about a mile away from where they actually were setting them off. 

That's about it for the moment. We've had a nice, cool weekend but the heat is coming back and it's predicted to be pretty hot all next week.

That's fine with me! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Wow on Amazon...and yay for Legos and fireworks. Have a beautiful week.

  2. That is a cute picture with the cat guarding the package! I do agree that the delivery people are always in a rush! We get a lot of things delivered for the people across the street. Their address ends in an odd number, ours in an even. You would think the delivery people would catch it. How fun with the fireworks! We always tried to find an area that wasn't directly right where the fireworks were being put off to watch the show. Less crowded that way! Now I heard our mayor cancelled all public events of fireworks this year because of how dry it is and the potential for fires :( I wonder if anyone bought all those Legos. Probably a good investment but I too wouldn't shell out that much money.


  3. We’ve had a UPS guy who has twice not delivered wine to us because he was too lazy to carry it up our driveway. He will just run up and put the sticker on the door saying we are not home. We know this because we were home!

  4. Love the Cat On Guard Amazon pic!!!!!! He/she has a sense of humor.

    Only 3 houses on our street so not much delivery trouble. But some things have been "re-routed." Gotta' keep watch.

    Cute way to watch fireworks!!!!!

    Been very cool, but have not looked at future. Don't want to know. LOL.

    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  5. We've had a few delivery issues lately too. I agree they're probably short staffed and over worked. Glad you found your packages.

  6. I have comments that end up marked at spam too and I don't know why. Glad you were able to get your packages. I'm missing one that was supposed to be delivered in May. It's been in transit for weeks and I've filed a search for lost package. I doubt I will get it. It was small but it was something I really wanted to replace from long ago that I found on eBay. That sure is a giant bin of legos!

  7. That's the cutest delivery picture I've seen!
    $150 for those Lego's? Wow! Glad you found those monster trucks though.

  8. I've heard a lot of complaints all over about deliveries going to the wrong places. Even those pictures they take aren't always helpful. Some will just show the package and a small portion of the surface it's on. How could you tell where it was delivered if you didn't get it.

  9. Oh my! The boys are still adorable, and goodness how happy I am to see them again. I've been very bad about posting; something I need to do more of. Lately I've just been trying to figure out how to run away. :)

  10. Don't get me started on delivery people, haaha! Most of the time it goes well but when it goes wrong, it goes very very wrong and it's stressful! They are in such a hurry that it seems they can't read! I know Lego are expensive but $150? Noooo! Great finds though, the monster trucks! xoxo

  11. I love the Amazon photo of your porch kitty! Lucky for me, our packages only get mixed up with our neighbor across the street and we swap them easily. I believe they are always rushed too, so it's easy to make mistakes.

    Lego's are that expensive? WOW.


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