Tuesday, September 27, 2022

It's Official and Other Stuff

It's official! Our Mr. Levi James is officially 4 years old! Saturday was his birthday party and today is his actual birthday. He was pretty excited! 

Big prayers for the people of Florida with hurricane Ian bearing down on them. I have several friends that live in Florida. One of them has a sanctuary for senior dogs that have been abused and/or abandoned. I hope they make it through without too much damage!

I made a Fall wreath out of an old scarf I had. It came out ok but I will probably change something on it before next year. 

These are my two latest Fall decorations. 

I always say that I am not going to buy any more holiday decorations but how can you resist such cute little things at only $1.25 each! I really just need to stay out of the Dollar Tree! 

That's all I have for now. Short and sweet! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 


  1. Happy Birthday young man... Two of my grandbabies are four and its frightening how fast they grow.
    I love your fall decorations...you did a great job with the wreath... its so pretty
    Phoebe x

  2. Happy Birthday Levi! I love the Dollar Tree. We bought some things for the grandkids there last Friday like little wooden Halloween signs that came with markers.

  3. Happy birthday to Levi! A handsome young man he is! Hoping and praying the hurricane won't cause too much damage and no loss of lives. Clever to make the wreath out of the scarf, Jeanette! I like it. Cute with the fall decorations too. What is neat about getting them from the Dollar Tree or the like is if you tire of them after a year or so they didn't cost an arm and a leg to purchase them :)


  4. LOL, I'm the same way. I say no more and then something cute comes along that I can't resist. I like the wreath you made. Good idea using a scarf.
    Happy Birthday to Levi

  5. Happy Birthday Little Man! Two of my grandbbabies are four... and its quite scary how fast they are growing!
    I love your Fall decor. You did a fab job on the wreath...its very pretty.. and yes...Dollar Tree can be lethal...I can never come out with just one thing...
    Phoebe x

  6. Awwwww.... Happy HAPPY Birthday, Levi.... and many many more, honey! I love his festive cake, Jeanette. And I love your autumn decorations too. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. What a sweet sweet birthday boy!!! Hope he had a happy time on his special day.

    Love your wreath, and Fall pumpkin.

  8. Good idea for the Fall wreath.

    I enjoy Dollar Tree, too much!

  9. Happy Birthday Levi!!
    Nice job on the wreath and I love your blue door.

  10. Happy Birthday Levi! What a cutie!
    Your wreath looks great.
    Praying for Florida here too.

  11. Aw, Happy Birthday little Levi James. He is a cutie pie. I haven't been Dollar Tree lately. It's so easy to leave there with a bag of stuff. :)

  12. FOUR! Whoa those years flew by and look at how precious he is! Happy Birthday Levi! xoxo

  13. Aww Happy 4th birthday! LOVE that cake. The Dollar Tree has such cute things and it is hard to pass them up! I hope your friends in Florida faired well and didn't have too much damage from Ian.

  14. Such a cute picture of your grandson. Happy Birthday to him. I like the wreath and LOVE the color of your door. The devastation in Florida is horrible and my prayers go out to all having to deal with the aftermath.

  15. Happy Birthday to your "Cutie"!

    Now, for October Eves.
    🍁 🌻 🍂 🌰 🍂 🌻 🍁

  16. Happy Birthday to your grandson! Growing up fast!
    Love the wreath! Cute idea...

  17. Awwww look at that precious little face! Happy Birthday, Levi! Have fun being four! I need to stay out of the Dollar (Twenty-Five) Tree too, haaahaa! I always spend at least twelve dollars. xoxo

  18. Happy birthday to your adorable Grandson!!
    I love the fall wreath; you always decorate so nicely.


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