Saturday, September 3, 2022

Summer Winding Down

Even though we are still getting hot and humid weather (yay!) the air feels different. Fall is in the air now.  You can understand what I mean if you live in an area that gets all the seasons like we do. 

Maxwell is starting kindergarten next Tuesday and they went to the open house at his school few days ago.

He looks so excited! I hope he is still excited when he has to go by himself! He's so shy and he struggled for quite a while when he went to Pre-K last year! My Nonnies heart can't take it when one of my grandbabies cries! 

Levi starts Pre-K this year but not until September 27th when he turns 4 years old. 

He did get to go to Maxwell's open house with them though! 

In other news: Look how close this hummingbird let me get to him the other day!

This is a still shot of a movie I took. This was not zoomed I was able to hold my phone that close to him! I love watching our hummingbird feeder!

That's it for me for now. I have been working extra days because of vacations so I haven't been doing much else.

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Maxwell & Levi are so precious. Love your hummingbird!!!!

    1. Thank you Anni! I was thrilled to get that close

  2. Hope the Cute Ones both have a happy start.

    Autumn is in the air, but heat always returns, after kids return to school.

    Happy September
    🍁 🍎 🍁 🍎 🍁

  3. I empathize with any mother whose child cries at drop off. It is heart wrenching. I hope Maxwell loves kindergarten! My grandson started preschool yesterday but I haven’t heard how it went yet.

    1. It's a hard thing to do! I remember those days and I definitely sympathize with my daughter! Hope your grandson did well his first day!

  4. Awwwww.... how absolutely adorable Maxwell & Levi are in these pictures, Jeanette!! Starting school.... a really big deal. I wish both of them lots of love & laughter as they get settled in & make new friends. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. That is a great shot of the hummingbird! He/She must trust you :) Good luck to Maxwell and Levi for their school years! I can't believe Maxwell is old enough for kindergarten! The years go by so fast!


  6. Wow, you got a rare and wonderful shot of the Hummer.

  7. You are right, Fall is in the air. It's beautiful here today though.
    I hope Maxwell enjoys school. It's so hard when they have a hard time.
    Cool hummingbird shot!

    1. Thanks Mari! Yes, I hope he just runs right into school but I doubt it will happen!

  8. It is 99* here...yep...and I so understand about the change of seasons, and I am not quite sure about not having the true change of seasons, sigh. I am looking forward to hearing more about your grandsons, smiles.

    1. Thanks! Yes Florida stays hot for a long time! I hope at least your humidity is going down!

  9. It's hard to believe that summer is almost over with already. Hope all goes well with the first day of school

  10. A big day for Maxwell, starting kindergarten. I can still remember my first day! and that was many years ago.

    1. I remember crying in school but I'm not sure it was my first day or not!

  11. I hope Maxwell loves his class and that he makes so great friends.
    I LOVE hummingbirds-they're so amazing.

  12. Here's hoping he has a great first day of school. Our hummingbird feeder has been busy this week. He did let you get close.

  13. What sweet boys. Yes, the air does feel a little different especially early morning. Mornings are cooler now.

  14. Good luck to the kiddos and the new school year. Excellent shot of the hummingbird.

  15. Oh those hummers are bold when they're guzzling nectar! They know we love them. How darling your boys look in the school setting! Maxwell will be fine after he has a chance to get used to it. xoxo

  16. I noticed the air is feeling different here too. It's still hot, but that fall feel is coming. Next week we should have some drier air so it'll be less humid! Maxwell looks so cute at his desk. Levi must be excited to go to school too. I hope they both have a great school year! It's weird but I have not seen hardly any hummingbirds around this year.

  17. My Granddaughter started "proper" school last week. They grew up so fast, and the summer goes by in a blink of the eye. Yes autumn is on the way and I don't like it!


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