Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Halloween Fun

Walking around trick or treating is one of my favorite things to do with Maxwell and Levi. Walking along leaf covered sidewalks reminds me so much of walking with my kids when they were little. This year the weather was perfect for walking around and the rain even held off until after 8:00.


This blurry picture was the only one I got of the boys in their costumes. 

There were a couple of fun things to see like this pumpkin.

People are pretty clever!

I think the highlight of the night for me was this, though. 

This cat in a dragon costume was greeting everyone who came to the door! SO cute!!

One of the houses had this skeleton bird on their deck. 

Skeleton animals and birds are a big thing this Halloween, I guess! 

And lastly, school pictures are in!

Levi Pre-school on top and Maxwell Kindergarten on bottom. 

They grow too fast!! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Vampire minions! Oh no!

    Cute cat.

  2. We decided to stay home this year instead of trick or treating with the grands. My husband is too busy at work on Mondays for us to have made it to their house by 6 pm. And then there was me not feeling great. I’m glad you guys had a fun night!

  3. Imagine a cat letting a costume be put on it!!!!!!!!

    Cute pics...


  4. Oh the cat in the dragon costume is so great :) Love it!
    Great pictures of some Halloween FUN...

  5. So happy to hear you enjoyed trick or treating! The boys are so cute. Animal skeletons did seem to be very popular this year. I've seen quite a few. Have a great week.

  6. How fun! Levi and Maxwell are adorable. I miss the days when my kids were that age... sometimes.
    That cat - what a hoot. I'm pretty sure my cat would not allow the donning of any costume

  7. It was such a nice night for trick or treating! Glad you had fun. I like that kitty too!
    Cute kids! Maxwell is looking so much older all of a sudden!

  8. Wonderful school pics! And the cat isadorable!

  9. Great school pictures!! Fun Halloween decorations you saw too when out with Maxwell and Levi for trick or treating! That cat was adorable in his/her costume!! Glad the weather held for you guys also to be able to enjoy the evening fun!


  10. The boys! My how they have grown and both so adorable, precious, handsome! I love their photos so much! xoxo

  11. I love it all!!!! Each and every image for Halloween. And those school pics are soooo good.

  12. How cute to have a cat dragon greet you on Halloween.
    The school pictures look great

  13. Loving the kitty!! How fun for you...we never get treaters on our street anymore...

  14. The boys are so darn cute. I'm glad you had fun Trick Or Treating with them...what a blessing that is. That CAT is everything!!

  15. Yes, they do grow up too fast. The boys look great and it sounds like a wonderful Halloween for all of you.

  16. I agree with you, the cat in the dragon costume is the best. Your grandsons are so cute. They both have such sweet smiles and kind eyes.

  17. Those boys are getting so big! Wow! I love the animal skeletons! xoxo


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