Tuesday, November 15, 2022

This, That and The Other

I certainly enjoyed the beautiful Fall we had but it's also certainly over now! 

Today it was snowing for the second time this month and even stuck a little on the grass This Saturday the low is going to be 8! It takes me forever to get my "winter blood" so I'm freezing!  Oh well, at least I'm here to enjoy it!

My friend Marie and I were in the bathroom in Kohl's last week and I commented that my age seems to have suddenly landed on my face in the past 6 months. New wrinkles and sags on my eyelids!  Some lady commented as she was coming out of one of the stalls that I should be thankful that I was here to see my face in the mirror! I agreed and said every morning that my feel land on the floor is a good day! What I didn't say is that my conversation with my friend was none of her business! 

Anyway.....I saw this on a gas pump the other day. 

I've seen them online but this was the first one I saw in the wild as I was filling my gas tank to the tune of $50! Rich went to the same gas pump the next day and half of the sticker was scraped off!

I plan on putting my Christmas tree up sometime this weekend. I am hosting Thanksgiving for about 10-12 people and I want to have it up by then. Here's what I wrote on the box last year. 

It's a 7.5 foot tree and it's way too tall for me to stand on a ladder and lean over it to attach the bow that I use as a tree topper. Last year I ended up taking the top off the tree to attach it. Also, it's much easier to put the garland on first to avoid knocking the ornaments off in the process! 

Janisse redid the board at work for the holidays 

She does such a nice job and is so talented! Customers are always commenting on how pretty the board is. 

Saw this on a walk I took last week. 

What can I say? Us Michiganders love the shape of our state, I guess! 

I will be babysitting the boys a few mornings this week because Shauna and Brad are going to parent teacher conferences. And so it begins for them! 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. The board at work is so artistic ad beautiful. Wow it is cold there!!

  2. Love the this-n-that of your life, we have so much to be grateful for, but it is hard to appreciate the age that shows up on our face! Enjoy your grandbabies!

  3. I'm the same way with the cold. I'm always cold.
    Good idea with the reminders on the box.

  4. And those Dems keep getting re-elected!!

    No snow here, but cold for our neck of the woods...I think it's gonna be a long, cold, winter!!

    In Texas, it's the state flag everywhere. (I even have a wooden butterfly on the house...with the Texas flag painted on the wings).

    Have fun decorating the tree and enjoy your get-together.

  5. That’s a strange sculpture? Was it wood? I have seen those Biden stickers on the pumps. I think it’s considered a serious offense to do anything to a gas pump.

  6. Isn't it funny how some people love to comment when not asked? LOL

    The board artwork is just amazing.

    I also leave notes for my future self...I thought I was the only one.

  7. I have a tile and cutting board of the state of California - in my kitchen.

    The board at work was nicely done. I’ve seen those stickers here - gas is still $6-7 a gallon. Most of that price tag however are California gas taxes - not Biden. I’m not a fan of the President but facts are facts.

    My tree won’t go up till after Thanksgiving. That’s when I traditionally “deck the halls”

  8. Winter has arrived her also. Brrrr. I've seen the stickers on line but haven't seen any in person. That sign is awesome. She is very talented.

  9. Ok first of all; I don't want to hear about your wrinkles however I will pray that when you get my age you won't have them like I do. :)
    The tree here is up but they haven't started decorating it yet. I'm sure the kids will get on that before they go back to their dad's house on Sunday.
    We have no plans for Thanksgiving yet. I wish I was at your house; I know it will be nice and good food. :)

  10. Good idea to write those instructions on the box, otherwise a year later you would remember once it was up!
    This Michigander is cold too, and not impressed with this winter storm that is hitting! 8-14 inches of snow predicted for us...

  11. Sounds like you had a similar fall. We had about two weeks of it and then it got cold and nasty. It looks like it is going to stay that way for a long time. Good luck with the Christmas tree and have a great Thanksgiving.

  12. So nice to see someone who is simply putting their tree up, when they want to!!!!


  13. I write notes on boxes like that too. I used to assume that I'd remember a year later and I never do!

    The bags under my eyes seem to get bigger each year, I make sure I look at the mirror without my reading glasses on, that's less depressing. :D

    No snow here in the UK yet, just lots of rain!

  14. Our tree is also up and waiting to be turned on...Can't wait!
    Happy Thanksgiving friend!

  15. While we don't see snow, it has been really cold here. It went from 80 to 40, so we had no time to adjust and I was just miserably cold for days. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I got my tree and decorations up a few days ago!


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