Sunday, November 27, 2022

Moving On to Christmas

 Thanksgiving was fun. We had 10 people here: my brother and sister-in-law and their two boys. Shauna, Brad, Maxwell and Levi and me and Rich. I made a turkey breast instead of a whole turkey this year.  Everyone seems to only like the white meat so it was just enough. I was able to send a little home with everyone and had some left over for turkey sandwiches the next day! 

Of course, I didn't take any pictures! I didn't even think to! I really have to get better at remembering that! 

We did give the boys their personalized ornaments. 

I try to gear them to reflect the past year and what they are into. I'm not sure how much they are into school but that was their life this past year! 

Yes, they call Rich "Bonk!" I'm not sure how it started but we thought it was adorable when Maxwell first said it, so it stayed! 

I got our tree up right in time for Thanksgiving. 

Hanging ornaments is not my favorite thing to do so I put the tree up last Friday and just hung a few ornaments a day until they were all on by Thursday!

Shauna put her's up too and the boys helped. 

She did take some of the more fragile ornaments and hung them higher than the boys could reach. 

She's going to leave it just the way it is! 

I thought this looked pretty. 

It's the reflection on the wall at work of some product display and the little trees we have on the counter. I thought it made an interesting shadow. 

Lastly, this is my newest ornament for my miniature tree. 

I'll post a picture as soon as I get it all put together. 

I've been working a lot this month! The girl that was out on medical is coming back on Friday so I will go back to my 2-3 day schedule next week. 

The extra in my paycheck has been nice but it will be nice to have the time off again! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Glad you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
    Your tree looks so pretty.

  2. The trees are beautiful. And the ornaments are awesome, true keepsakes. Did you make them? I can't wait to see your miniature tree, be sure and tell us how big it is.

  3. Glad your Thanksgiving was good! I like the ornaments and Bonk is a cute name. :)
    Love that shadow!

  4. Looks to bea busy time with you and your family!! My, how the boys are growing.

    Love the ornaments!!!

  5. The tree with all the ornaments hung in one spot made me laugh. It took me back to when my kids used to help me decorate the tree.
    Love that cardinal ornament.

  6. I love the boy's ornaments. Bonk is a cute nickname

  7. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. The trees are so pretty and I love the ornaments you got the grandsons. Adorable.

  8. Oh I don't like decorating tree either. Neither does our older son. He came over yesterday and set up Roku Streaming Stick for us. And left his wife home, decorating their tree!!!!! -grin-

    You are ahead of me. Our next door grandson has been sick so no bringing our little tree down yet. But it will get down.

    🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

  9. Oh Jeannette, the best part of Christmas Movies is just looking at the gorgeously decorated sets!!!!!!!!!! Who needs the plot or dialogue?!? -grinnnnn-

    🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

  10. The boys! I love seeing them decorate their tree. I'm sure that's how our tree looked when we were kids! :) So glad y'all had a good Thanksgiving. I know the food was delish! It was a good day for us the 3 greats were here then they were off to their dad's. We had a beautiful day and the weather was kind enough that we were able to eat in the yard. I'm glad you're going to get some time off, buddy. xoxo

  11. I love the shadow ‘display.’ My husband insists on cooking an entire turkey, even though most of us only like the breast meat.

  12. Good to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. The tree looks awesome and I love your latest ornament. I am a big fan of cardinals. We are hoping to get our tree up this weekend after we have recovered from the plague.

  13. I love pictures of shadows! I think it's so funny the way people get nicknames. You may or may not have noticed that on Mari's blog I often refer to her husband Bob as "Bon." It's not a typo ... when my mother passed away Bob and Mari sent flowers to the church, and the florist had signed the card from Bon and Mari. Haaaha! It stuck. I love the boys' ornaments from you and Bonk and I think they're perfect. xoxo


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