Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Time For Another Project

 I got this garden steppingstone a long, long time ago, probably 30 years. 

First it sat in the front flower bed of our first house, then in the backyard landscaping in our second house and then in the front of our current house. 

As it was one of my to-do projects, I brought it in the house last week and Rich scrubbed it off with a scrub brush. It was pretty dirty and stained. 

First, I did a whitewash to lighten it up and cover the stains, then went over it with a brown just to make it more the color of a stone. 

I had an idea how I wanted to paint it and took some inspiration from this picture I found on the internet.

I like the colors and I wanted to be bright and colorful. 

So far so good but the butterflies need more definition. 

Nice but I wanted to make it more colorful!

So, I added some flowers. I can follow a pattern but I'm no artist. The flowers look a little elementary but at least it's colorful!

Also, that little spot on the left is supposed to be a bee! 

I have to say I really enjoyed doing this and also restoring the little deer. I see a lot of garden stuff and estate sales and will be looking for something else to restore when I go to them now! 

Any excuse to go to an estate sale!

See you the next time! 



  1. It turned out great! Looks brand new. :)

  2. You did a really nice job as that butterfly looks intricate. I love little garden pieces like that.

  3. You did a wonderful job. It's so pretty!! I need to clean and spruce ours this year. Great idea to find them at estate sales. They are fun to make also. I bought a kit at Hobby Lobby and made a few.

  4. I LOVE this!! What a fabulous job!!!

  5. Wow, it is gorgeous!!! WAY too beautiful to lay in the dirt and walk on!! Maybe put it on a tabletop and put glass over it. Or even hang it on the wall! Yes, you ARE an artist.

  6. Oh wow, that looks fantastic. You did a wonderful job on that.

  7. Wow what a transformation. It looks wonderful!!

  8. Love it....be sure and seal it with polycrylic. Polyurethane would work but tends to yellow....

  9. Looks great! I haven't been in the mood for any creating lately. Not even gardening. I have things to do - just haven't. I've done some "clean up" and "touch up" on things before and it is very rewarding.

  10. Looks Professionally done!! I love it!

  11. It turned out great. It's so satisfying to get something like that done, isn't it?

  12. You did such a great job. You know this speaks to me!!

  13. I LOVE your stepping stone, and especially the story of its history. It's been with for many seasons so I know you have loved it well. The new look is wonderful and will give you more years of joy. Although I have some pieces of yard art, my only stepping stones are just plain concrete squares. Yours makes me wish I had something more artistic.

  14. I love this, buddy. Great job! xoxo

  15. I like it, it looks great. Will it stand up to being exposed to rain etc?

    1. Thanks! It will after I spray it with a sealant.

  16. Oh it looks so pretty. You did a great job.

  17. Jeanette that is SO beautiful! I am truly impressed. xoxo


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