Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Miscellaneous Random Stuff

Last week was spring break for the boys. Shauna and Brad had all sorts of plans for fun stuff to do. Turned out they didn't do anything because Levi got sick and was sick from Saturday all the way through to Thursday. 

On Thursday when his fever was gone, we had the boys spend the night to give Shauna a break, which she desperately needed! 

While they were here, they created new art pieces for us! They like to sit on the couch with these TV tables. 

Levi looked very tired so we had a pretty low-key day and then he slept for 9 hours! 

Speaking of art

Janisse redid our board at the store for the Spring season. She always does such a nice job! 

We hopefully saw the last of our winter weather so I washed my winter coat and hung it in the back of the closet. Then put my gloves and scarfs in the box I store them in! Hopefully I'm not being too optimistic! 

We are going to Brad's parents for Easter. We usually do every year. They have a Easter egg hunt for the boys and a nice dinner. 

That's all that's going on for now. 

I hope you all have a blessed Easter and we'll see you the next time!


  1. Those types of art work are the best.

  2. Janisse is an artist, the board is so detailed and beautiful!

  3. That's too bad Spring break was 'canceled' for this year. Maybe they can plan something really special for summer!!!
    Sweet art...and having them both displayed touches my heart strings!!
    Great work art too.

    Happy Easter to your family!!

  4. Happy Easter to you too. Every time I think winter is gone, Mother Nature dumps some more snow on us. It will end eventually... I hope.

  5. I’m scared to put my boots away, let alone wash anything. Happy Easter!

  6. Janisse did a great job on that. Love it.
    Of course the boys did some pretty great drawings too :)

  7. No fun being sick over spring break. Their art work is so cute as is the board at your shop. I hope you enjoy your Easter and that winter is gone for the year.

  8. Time of the year for being sick, sadly! Nine hours? goodness!
    Happy Easter friend!

  9. Poor Levi; sick for all of spring break. Poor kiddo and poor Nurse Mama! You are such a blessing to help so much with the boys.

    I love Janisse's art work---that is awesome.

  10. I'm sorry Levi was sick. :( Glad he got a good nights sleep though, very needed to feel better. xoxo

  11. Awwww I'm glad the boys are well now and got to spend some time with you. Now I don't know about where you live, but last Saturday it was winter here. A high of maybe 45, and driving rain for at least twelve hours! Cold on Easter Sunday too, but sunny! I think the warmer climes are here to stay now though! xoxo


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