Saturday, April 8, 2023

Estate Sale and an Unexpected Bonus

 On Friday I went to an estate sale at this house. 

There was a lot of people there and I had to park way down the street. 

The house recently sold for $675,000. 

It was beautiful inside but relatively empty compared to other houses I've been to. 

The kitchen dining area was nice with lots of natural light. It was pretty small considering the size of the rest of the house.  I didn't care for the red checkered wallpaper though. 

Remember Longaberger baskets and how popular and expensive they used to be? I see lot of them at estate sales and they're not so expensive anymore! This one was cute.  Price: $10

Ugh! That wallpaper really doesn't look good with that countertop! 

Another set of flatware. This one was well used!  Price: $100

I did like this mirror. It would definitely have to be painted though. Price $30

I thought this room was pretty with the rug and the hardwood floor. 

What is this stool called? Wicker? Rattan? Not sure but it looked like it belonged in a garage sale or church rummage sale! Price: $20

Anyway, here's what I bought:

This Vera Bradley small tote. I'm going to use it for taking my lunch and stuff to work. I paid $15 for it. 

Now for the bonus:

This small gold ring and this delicate gold chain were in the tote that I bought. The ring was marked 10K and the chain was marked 14K. The ring was actually on the chain, and it was all tangled up in one of the inside pockets. 

I initially thought I would keep them but then I figured that a ring hanging on a chain could have some sentimental value. This morning on my way to work I went back to the house and returned them to the people running the estate sale. They were surprised to say the least! I hope they get returned to the rightful owner! 

One time I found a beautiful diamond and gold bracelet on the floor of a casino. I took it into the bathroom so I could look it over really good, and it looked pretty expensive. It had a safety chain that was broke. I really, really wanted to keep it but in the end I turned it over to the first security person I saw. 

He was shocked when I handed it over to him! 

I guess it's pretty rare for someone to return something they find of value!

Anyway, we are going to Brad's parents tomorrow for Easter and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. 

Should be fun! 

Until the next time! 


  1. A big house for sure. I kind of like the red plaid.
    The stool is a cane stool. I once had a cane rocker, my step dad knew how to cane and repaired it for me.
    Honest of you to turn in those items you found.
    I think though that a lot more people would return it than not.
    Watched a TV show once where wallets were planted with money and credit cards in them in all in all kinds of neighborhoods and MOST were returned!!

  2. You are a very honest person. I’ve returned money I’ve found on the floor at retailers and they act like they don’t know what to do with it. I’m fearful they just pocket it, but it’s not mine and I would feel bad if someone came back looking for it, so at least I tried.

  3. You are more honest than most people I think! Yes, the wallpaper and counters are so ugly! I hope you have a great Easter!

  4. Love the tote you bought. What a surprise you found inside. I hope whoever it belongs to appreciates getting it back.
    I'm not crazy about that wallpaper either.

  5. That wallpaper is...well...I have no word for it...
    And Good for you for returning the jewelry...Well Done!
    Happy Easter!

  6. How much for the house? (wow, shocker, but not really, grin). I would have done the same thing, returned the item. Wishing you a beautiful Happy Easter, my friend.

  7. That kitchen is very small and that wallpaper...YUCK! That was really good of you to return the necklace. I would do the same. It brings good karma your way. Hope you enjoyed your Easter!


  8. Well, dang it, you should have kept the $l0,000 ring and chain; we could have gone on a trip. Ok!!! Just kidding, LOL Love the Vera Bradley though, nice job kiddo. xoxo

  9. I see someone beat me to it, but the stool is caned! And it needs to be recaned, haaha! You're right: the wallpaper is awful but it's a happy thing that wallpaper can easily be removed and lead to the transformation of a room! You're a good egg, returning the valuables. I want to be one of those people who buys an old sofa and finds the cushions stuffed with cash, hahahahaha! xoxo

  10. Hope you had a fabulous Easter and, knowing you through the blog, it doesn't surprise one bit that you returned the necklace. Take care.

  11. I still have Longaberger baskets. I sold quite a few of them a few years ago, but still have a nice collection. You are a good person; this will come back to you at some point, good Karma always finds us!!


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