Sunday, April 16, 2023

Double the Fun

This post I have two estate sales to tell you about. 

But first we had a very nice Easter with Brad's family. 

The boys made out like bandits! 

Now on to the estate sales. The first one was at this house.

It's in one of my favorite neighborhoods that I could never afford to live in. It recently sold for $499,900!

There was the usual table of jewelry. 

Some of it was really pretty and all in good shape, no junky jewelry!

The kitchen was kind of small and needed updating. 

I thought this tray was pretty. 

They were asking $30 for it. 

These crystal goblets were very pretty. 

And at $50 each they better be! 

Oh look! More Longaberger baskets! 

They ranged in price from $10-30. 

Several shelves of VHS tapes and DVDs

Priced at $3 each. 

Here's something I don't think I've seen before.

Vintage Playboy magazines for $5 each. They are mostly from the 70's. Looks like a young Burt Reynolds on the cover! 

Here's what I bought. 

A pair of earrings and a DVD for the boys to watch when they are at our house. 

Total spent: $8

The next estate sale was at this condo. 

It wasn't for sale that I could see but according to Zillow the value is $303,000. 

The kitchen was small but nice. I like the color of the cabinets. 

There was only a few interesting things at this sale. 

This 50-inch TV was marked down to $15. According to the note on it has a good picture but has two lines in it! 

This set of flatware was in brand new condition. 

It even had the original paperwork with it. The sign hanging on the right side says, "No extra charge for anti-tarnish chest and No Federal Tax!" It was marked down to $40

And this lovely bridal veil.

Looks very similar to the one I wore so I'm assuming 1970's. I didn't see a price on it.  

I did not buy anything at this sale. 

That's all that's going on right now. The weather has been gorgeous this past week! My azalea bush and my lilac bush have lots of buds on them!  I was worried about my lilac bush because last year it only got one bloom. Hopefully it's over the trauma of being planted! 

See you the next time!


  1. My lilac had zero blooms last year, so we will see this year. I brought home two huge jewelry boxes from my mom’s last week. My girls took some of it, I’ve saved some for my granddaughters and the rest I’m going to take to sell for the gold. I have no idea what to expect, but all the necklaces are 14k and still have the price tags.

  2. You are right about the kitchen in the first house. It is nice, but too dark and needs new cabinets and that wallpaper taken down. The second kitchen has our cabinets!

  3. I have quite a few Longaberger baskets. My cousin used to sell them and I got a discount. I love the baskets. Went to Dresden, Ohio to the factory to see them being made.

  4. I must be getting old because those home prices are outrageous to me. That first house, while nice, certainly doesn't look like it's worth $499,900. I wouldn't pay that price for the second either but I do like that kitchen. I wonder how many guys stopped to look at those playboy magazines. Those glasses for $50 each are pretty but not at that price. Can you tell I'm really cheap?

  5. Goodness! I can't believe you didn't buy Bert!! lololol
    The flatware looked interesting!

    1. And you should have grabbed some of those Longaberger baskets! What a deal!! They are SO expensive!

  6. I'm glad you had a nice Easter. The prices of houses right now totally blows my mind. That is not a half a million dollar house in my opinion but what do I know. lol
    Love the earrings and I had to chuckle at the Playboys. You should have bought the one with Burt.

  7. You did good, getting out with only spending $8 -
    I wonder why the second place were selling their stuff? I wonder about things like that - plus selling the bridal veil. When I moved into my parents home after my mom passed, we had a garage sale - I guess it would be considered an estate sale. I sold a lot - I wish I had taken photos of what I sold; mostly things they bought in their latter years that I did not want. I sold a lot of lace curtains which were very popular.

  8. The grand boys are growing up so fast. They are adorable! I haven't been to an estate or garage sale in many moons. I love that you go and show us photos! xoxo

  9. I like going to estate sales to just see what is out there, and to tour the houses! lol...I really don't go often, never really bought anything at one. Prices always seem to be higher than what you would get at a yard sale. But, I really don't do those much anything more either. When thye start kicking in, its too hot to be out enjoying them. Looks like little one had great Easter.

  10. Glad you had nice Easter and I am still laughing at the box of old Playboys for sale. Too funny.

  11. Laughing at the old Playboy magazines. Those are collectors items, right?
    The boys are so stinking cute. Glad you are having good weather!

  12. How fun. Vintage Playboys - HA!
    $50 for a crystal goblet - I would be afraid I'd break one.

  13. Good to hear about your azaleas.

  14. I agree that the prices of these houses is outrageous, given that they all need some serious updating! And updating is EXPENSIVE, haaahaha! I would be most unhappy if I paid half a million for a house and had to spend another $150K remodeling it. xoxo


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