Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 We finally had a warm enough day to weatherproof my little projects and put them in their place for the summer. 

I'll probably take them back inside in the Fall though. 

I'm so happy that my lilac bush has a bunch of buds on it! I was worried when it only got one bloom last summer. I guess it's over the shock of being planted! 

I am looking forward to the wonderful scent of the flowers!

One of the outside cats has been scratching one of the posts of our deck. 

We had to wrap it in aluminum foil until we can sand and stain it again! 

Brad's mom took this cute picture of the boys at Easter. 

That's about all for right now. I've been struggling a bit with seasonal affective disorder. It's hard to have any ambition when it's cold and cloudy every day! I've had more down days than normal. 

Each year it gets harder and harder to deal with Winter. I keep trying to talk Shauna and Brad into moving to a warmer climate so we can follow! So far it's not happening but one can hope! 

See you next time! 


  1. I understand. I hate these cloudy, chilly days. Cute pic of the grandkids!

  2. We are in Locust winter right now, one of those silly cool spells we deal while Mother Nature and Old Man Winter battle it out as to whose turn it is to come out and play. I was able to have to cover my herbs last night for the first time in a few days. Here in TN we are waiting for summer blooms to pop out on flowers.

  3. Wat a beautiful photo of the boys in front of the flowers! Will foil stop the scratching? I have never heard of that.

  4. I love lilacs. I've tried several times to grow them and never survive for some reason. Love the scent.
    I've been feeling really drained an achy since it got cold again here. It's awful.

  5. I'm sorry you have been struggling through the winter with SAD. I get that too - even with already being on anti-depressants. I also take Vitamin D.
    Oh your pretty lllacs are going to be so pretty - they already are, in their budding stage.

    Grrr, Cats! I love them but some do that. My Susie is the only cat I have ever had and I've owned many, who scratches my furniture. She totally tore up the office chair. Ah, no one sees it but us. I notice she does it for attention. and the deal is, she gets a lot of our attention. She wants ALL of it, all the time. Oh well, we do our best to protect the new sofa and my husband put this clear vinyl we ordered off Amazon to protect furniture. He put it on his new recliner and it works - but it's ugly.

  6. Fawns look so cute. I'd take them inside for the winter too.

  7. Our lilac has buds too, so happy to see them! Winter has been too long this year.
    Cute pic of the kids!

  8. Such a sweet picture of your grandkids. It's been pretty here but today is cloudy and a bit cooler. I'm sorry to hear you suffer from SAD. Hopefully sunny, warmer days are right around the corner for you.

  9. I understand the way you feel with the seasonal disorder. I've been quite under the weather lately, not flu or covid but some of the symptoms. Gotta put my big girl shoes on and carry on. The boys are so adorable! I can't believe how fast they're growing. xoxo

  10. Sorry to hear about your seasonal affective disorder, Jeanette. I started to get really bothered by our winters here a few years ago and a sun lamp really helped me out.

  11. Sorry about the crappy, cold weather. Maybe Shauna and Brad will get tired of it soon?
    Love that your lilac is going to bloom for you.

  12. Cloudy days put me in a slump too. But your grandsons - so cute!

  13. Awwww that is such a cute picture of Max and Levi! Yes I can understand being affected by dismal weather. Summer is on its way, though! Hang on. xoxo


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