Saturday, April 29, 2023

Estate Sale #20 Or Something Like That

The most recent estate sale I went to was in a more rural area about 6 miles from where we live. 

To get to the house I drove down this wet, curvy road. 

It would have been a pleasant drive if the sun was shining through the trees!

But anyway, this is the house.

The house was not for sale but I looked up the address and it sits on 3 acres and is valued at $718,000! The lot was wooded and beautiful but I'm not so sure the house itself was worth that much! 

Here's the kitchen.

Not bad. Like most of the older houses I've been in, it could use some updating though.

There was some good stuff for sale. This light fixture was very pretty. 

They wanted $125 for it. 

These were interesting. Iron horse drawn carriages with elephants inside! 

They were asking $40 each for them. 

I liked this trunk. It was in perfect condition. 

They wanted $260 for it. 

I was a little tempted to get this Hamilton Beach Deluxe stand mixer. 

They wanted $25 for it which is probably a good price, but I passed. I have never bought myself a stand mixer because I'm afraid I would make too many cookies and cakes! Seriously! 

The most interesting part of this house was the master bedroom/bath. 

This is the master bedroom. A good size but nothing special. 

This is standing in the door of the bedroom looking into the bathroom. 

A pretty wide-open space. I'm assuming the toilet is behind the white door and you can see the shower to the right. 

To the left is this

Two sinks and mirrors. And to the right is this. 

A long hallway with a walk-in closet on the left leading into this. 

An octagon shaped sunroom!  I only got half of it in the picture! The blue tile went all the way around the perimeter. There was no door to the outside. 

I found this area both interesting and a little creepy. It was a too wide open for my taste. I think I would have to put some kind of door between where the toilet/shower area is and the sunroom. 

The blue tile was pretty, though! I did not buy anything at this sale. 

Work is a little crazy right now. Our artist Janisse got another job, so she left, and another employee is moving out of state. My boss hired one new employee but she's only staying until August! There is one more lady coming back from Florida to work for the summer, but she will be gone again in the Fall! With Janisse leaving makes me the longest running employee at 1 year and 9 months! 

See you the next time! 


  1. You've already been there for a year? wow. I am not so sure about all that blue tile, weird, lol. Have a beautiful weekend.

  2. What a strange house. My impression is that it is so DARK, especially the kitchen. Except for maybe that sun room.

  3. Those are some expensive items they had there. That master bathroom is rather odd especially with that hall leading to the sun room.

  4. Not worth the asking price! Omgoodness...Maybe $350? Prices of houses are ridiculous!
    I would have bought the stand mixer! Super Cheap!

  5. I always think houses that look like that on the outside will be super interesting inside, but I guess not (except for that sunroom). Those prices seem high.

  6. Wow, not sure what pricing is like in your area, I do know all areas are not the same around the world/USA. I am thinking that the price they are asking is a little much. However, what I saw looked clean and well cared for. Kitchen, for my taste is way to dark and I would need to put more money into that asking price to paint it. I love to go to estate sales to check out homes and see if I can locate good buys but I have pretty much stopped that these days. Yard sales and estate sales are more than I want to handle anymore.

  7. I'm not crazy about the dark blue tile either.
    I would paint the kitchen white!
    Three acres of woods is nice. Maybe that has a lot to do with the price.

  8. I bet a lot of the price is because of the land. It's crazy what that costs!
    It's interesting to go through these houses.
    The stand mixer was a good price. I wouldn't be able to deal with baking without one! :)

  9. That's a lotta tile.
    Looks like a beautiful setting and an attractive house on the outside. But I agree, it could use some updating.

  10. That is a bizarre house. They'll have a hard time selling it at any price. Love the Tiffany light fixture.
    Your poor boss; it's so hard to find and keep good help...luckily she has YOU!

  11. Unlike most who have commented; the favorite house I owned had back to back bathrooms with blue tile floors. I LOVED it. I'd give anything to have that house now except for the area has now gone way, way downhill. It's always fun to see your garage/house looking. Wish I was there to go with you! :)

  12. That house is a bit odd and Wow on the price. Seems a bit high but I think that's everywhere now. You should have bought the stand mixer. They are awesome!

  13. Definitely interesting choices were made in that house. Hope they can find some good folks to help you out at work. Hang in there.

  14. I remember when you got that job! And now you have the most seniority! Well done. I have been watching a lot of Flip or Flop on HGTV and when I see a house like these you have visited that are so outdated and which have some strange design choices (like the sunroom which, with all that blue tile around the edges, looks like it should have a pool in the middle), I am amazed that the market will bear such a high asking price. But I guess they'll get what they get! xoxo


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