Sunday, May 7, 2023

Estate Sale and The House Projects Begin

 My friend and I went to an Estate Sale yesterday at this house.

It was for sale for $699,000.  The majority of the estate sales I go to are in a city called Northville, which is a very desirable area. That's why all of the houses are so high priced. 

The house was nice inside. A lot of ornate decorations but not overly so.

This was the kitchen. 

The wood floor was beautiful. The white leather couch you see looked barely used and was priced at $250. 

I loved this beautiful wooden table. It was priced at $550 and $300 for the 4 chairs. 

This set of china was pretty. 

Only $400! 

I thought this little countertop wine holder was nice. 

The bottom was a little drawer that holds wine accessories. It was $30 which I thought was a good price. 

There were quite a few designer purses.

This little Prada bag can be yours for a mere $250! Or, if you want, a signed copy of a rap CD for $50 if that's your thing! 

I think the best part of this house was the master bedroom. 

This picture is only half of it. It was big and open and just beautiful! Lots of big windows and natural light. 

I didn't take a lot of pictures because it was pretty crowded. I also didn't buy anything. 


In other news, a big project of ours this summer is to paint the whole interior of our house. We finally got that started with the small bathroom. 

Here's some before pictures. 

Partially painted ceiling. 

And after.

Bathrooms are the worst room to paint, I think. There is a lot of hard-to-reach places! It took us two days but we're really happy with how it came out. 

Next will be the master bathroom. It's going to take us longer to paint this house than we thought because we need a few weeks recovery time between each room!  The joys of getting older! 

Next time another estate sale and Maxwell and Levi started baseball! 

See you then! 


  1. Your bathroom is now so gorgeous! I love the color you chose. I love your little wooden wall cabinet. The house is so nice, I have never seen a bedroom like that. But the kitchen looks like it does not have many cabinets.

  2. I love when you go to estate sales and share with us! Don't blame you for not buying anything; don't people realize that not everyone has that kind of money? Ridiculous!
    Your bathroom looks great. You guys make a good team. :)
    Love to you, my sweet buddy.

    1. Thanks buddy! Some of the prices are kind of ridiculous in my opinion!

  3. The whole house interior? That’s a lot of painting. But it will be beautiful when finished. The bathroom looks lovely.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's probably going to take the good part of a year to finish it all!

  4. Nice looking house from what I can tell. That master bedroom is huge.

  5. Nice estate sale! Looks like they had nice stuff there.
    Good job on the painting.

  6. I LOVE the wooden table at the estate sale. It's beautiful.

  7. Oh my, that bedroom looks huge with it's own sitting area.
    Your bathroom looks awesome. It's pretty much set up the same way as mine is. I found the hardest place to get to was behind the toilet tank..

    1. Thanks Ann, and yes getting behind the toilet was tough! I'll admit there a small square of unpainted wall there!

  8. I enjoy the estate sales! And I like the bathroom color!

  9. I love the bathroom update!! Yes, it's a lot of wear and tear on our body doing house jobs like that.

    In our town, you can't even buy a fixer upper for $699K; it's outrageous.

    1. Thank you! Real estate everywhere is crazy!

  10. Love your estate sale pictures! My daughter-in-love and I went to one this past weekend. It was pouring down rain, but we still found some bargains. I bought two wooden ladders, an old wooden door, and a few other odds and ends. I hope to use the ladders and door in my garden. The painting is a daunting task, but it sure looks amazing, I just love the color you chose to go with! Will look forward to your estate sale posts, very fun to see! Blessings to you :)

    1. Thank you. I really enjoy going to estate sales!

  11. I could have done without reading about the bathroom - only because my bathroom needs it and I've been conveniently forgetting about it. It's nice when it gets done but I know how hard it is to do - takes forever when I used to be able to knock it out fast in my younger days.

    Once it is finally done, you'll feel so relieved. and I will be genuinely jealous.

  12. Oh dear ... I was practically triggered by the picture of your bathroom in the stages of readiness to be painted, haaha! We just finished a seven-week renovation of our bedroom and master bath ... it was chaotic and I can't face anything like that again for a very long time. But your bath looks beautiful and I'm sure that every other room will too, when you and Rich are finished with it! xoxo

  13. I love the table and chairs. The kitchen flooring is awesome too. I have a lot of interior painting on my list for this year too and I am dreading it. Maybe we should cheer each other on. Your bathroom looks really nice. The paint color is very similar to one of ours.


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