Saturday, May 13, 2023

Estate Sale, Baseball and Good Food!

Last Saturday while on the way to watch the boys play baseball, I saw an Estate Sale sign so of course I made Rich stop at it! 

This was the house. It was on a hill, up a long, steep driveway. 

Although there was a lock box on the door it was not for sale.  I looked it up on Zillow and the estimated value is $465,000. 

I'm going to go to the best part of this house right away. That long front porch you see in the above picture leads to this. 

The biggest deck I have ever seen! It was awesome and high up with beautiful views! 

The house was pretty outdated but there were a few interesting things. This was a corner fireplace in the basement which was partially finished. 


I can't imagine building a fire in it though! 

This was the kitchen. 

Outdated but there was a ton of counterspace and a big island, which is always a plus!  

This was labeled "MCM Peter Pepper Sailboat Sculpture" and was priced at $1,000! I have no art appreciation so if you do, please enlighten me as to who this Peter Pepper is and why this sculpture is worth so much money? 

 Although everything was 50% off so you could have it for a steal at $500!

Here is what I bought. 

Normally I do not buy shoes at estate sales. There is a certain ick factor for me to buy used shoes, but these were in brand new condition and at 50% off I only paid $2.50 for them! Plus they are Clarks which is a good brand. 

You can bet I washed them up really good with a bleach solution when I got them home though! 


The boys started baseball last week and we have been going to their practices and games every Saturday. 

Maxwell is playing Coach-pitch baseball and Levi is playing T-Ball.

It's so fun to watch them! Reminds me of when Chris played T-ball many years ago! 


Finally, I made this Ham and Cheese Croissantwich that Mari posted on her blog My Little Corner of the World a few weeks ago. 

Sorry for the lousy edited picture! I did replace the swiss cheese with cheddar but it was still really, really good! We will definitely be adding it to the meal rotation! Thanks, Mari! 

Tomorrow, Mother's Day we are having Shauna, Brad, the boys and Brads Mom and Dad over for brunch. 

See you the next time! 


  1. Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day. I was also playing catch up on reading and I love the bathroom you painted. Smiles.

  2. That deck is huge! Nice views I bet with the house being on top of a hill.
    Aw, this brings back memories of youth baseball days. Good times!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. What a gorgeous porch!

    The fireplace is weird. If it were me, I would turn it into a tunnel playhouse for the kids.

  4. The Croissantwich look SO good!!! And the house is so unusual! I adore the long porch and huge deck. And the kitchen is awesome!! With new cabinet doors and floor is would be gorgeous. If those shoes fit me, I would have bought them too.

  5. That deck is incredible! I think those shoes are cute and what a deal you got! They were well worth buying and cleaning.
    Those are awfully cute ball players.
    Glad you liked the sandwich. :)

  6. Wow that is some huge deck!!

  7. Love that huge deck and I like that part of it is covered.
    I have nothing to offer on the sculpture. I seriously don't understand fine art. This people think are amazing I think look horrible.

  8. We love estate and garage sales. We used to save Saturday's just for that but have not been for a while now.

  9. Nice....always fun to watch the young ones play ball. Don't you just love going through houses that don't belong to you and trying to decide what you would do differently in them. I don't do the estate sales for that but I go on our local homes for sale and check out the houses, its a nice way to go in and walk around but not actually be there...

  10. The porch is gorgeous.
    I have never been to an estate sale.
    The boys look cute!

  11. I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
    That fireplace looks really precarious...what were they thinking? I know nothing about art, so I can't help you.
    The boys are so cute and they're making great memories!

  12. The outside of the house and the porch are awesome. The interior does need some updating. Baseball season is so fun. I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day.

  13. Well, I looked it up...and the carving by Peter Pepper (sailboats) is being sold for $300! SO...someone can't seem to get their prices right! Can you say gouging? lol And it's vintage Peter Pepper...who ever that was, doesn't say. Glad you didn't buy it!

  14. Well that is for sure my kind of house -- as much outdoor space as indoor! I would seriously love that but I need some screening somewhere, haahaha! The boys are so darling all suited up for their respective sports. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! xoxo

  15. Hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day and best of luck to the boys with their baseball seasons.


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