Sunday, August 6, 2023

No Memories but An Estate Sale Instead

I know I said in my last post that I would be taking you on our trip down memory lane and I will....eventually. I'm missing a picture I need for it so when I find it, I will do the post. 

In the meantime, I have another estate sale for you! Aren't you excited! 

This is the house:

It's a beautiful house. It wasn't on the market but Zillow estimated it at $793,000. Ugh!

I really liked the inside of this house. The kitchen was beautiful with white cabinets and black countertops. My favorite combination!  

It opened to a small but pretty family room. The door you see on the right leads to this. 

A pretty sunroom with a gorgeous tile floor. 

Here's the view out the window and of the patio out the kitchen window. 

Those lights are a reflection from the room behind me, but they almost look like a cool light fixture on the patio!

This half bath was pretty. 

Although I think I would lighten up the walls a little, they were darker than they look in this picture. It had a nice cabinet and pretty countertop. I liked the faucet and the lighting. Also, the little lamp on the counter makes it look cozy! Don't mind me, sometimes it's hard to get a picture and stay out of it! 

Some of the things for sale.  

This pottery was nice. Priced at $200.

I thought these glasses with the flowers were really pretty.

Not a bad price at $1 each. 

I had this exact Tupperw@re pitcher when my kids were young. 

Can't tell you how many pitchers of KoolAid I made for the kids through the years! I might have picked it up for $1 but it was gross inside. 

These painting were above the bed in the main bedroom. Zoom in to take a closer look

I've said before that I have no appreciation for art, so I have no idea who the artist is and why these pictures would go for $1,000 apiece! But what do I know? 

And here's what I bought.


This book for Brad who is an avid golfer and a small cheese grater. 

A mama bear mug for Shauna and an unopened box of Barilla pasta. It was only $1. It's the only pasta I eat and it's expensive! 

Total spent: $9.

Lastly, I had a nice surprise last week when Chris came into town. He wasn't able to make it to our vacation but flew in late on Monday night and my nephew picked him up at the airport. Rich knew he was coming but I didn't, and I was already asleep when he got to the house about midnight. 

In the morning this was by my coffee maker. 

It was a nice surprise and wonderful to have him here for a week. I hadn't seen him since Christmas. 

That's it for me for now. I'm trying to soak up all this beautiful weather we've been having! Summer will be over before we know it! 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Oooh - I love that note and surprise from Chris. I can feel your joy!
    That was quite the estate sale. I wonder if anyone bought those prints.
    I use Barilla pasta too. My daughter has that Mama Bear mug!

  2. What a wonderful surprise to have Chris there. The house is gorgeous! And that window! But the bathroom is way too dark. I would not be able to even see how to do my business! The drawings over the wall, oh my gosh! They look like cartoons or caricatures, not even pretty paintings! And furthermore, if they paid that much for them, why hide them in the bedroom?? Maybe THIEVES??

  3. What a sweet note and a nice surprise for you..
    Holy smokes on those paintings. I may not know much about art but I know those are not something I would pay $10 for let alone $1000

  4. I know housing prices have gone crazy lately, but that much money for that house??? And those art pieces at $1,000 a piece???? Oi vey. Nice photo tour of the house, I'll have to remember that the next time I go to an estate sale. I'm always on the lookout for the next photo op to post, and around here they are few and far between. Linda

  5. Awww, what a fantastic surprise!

  6. So glad your Chris came for a visit!
    And I would have grabbed that pitcher! Some bleach water sitting for 15 minutes and it would have been like new!
    The pictures? My eyesight sucks so I had to copy it and enlarge it...omword! It's just plain out and out porn! $1000 each??? Lololol
    Never know what you'll find in other peoples homes!

  7. What a wonderful surprise to wake up to. I too like white cabinets and black countertops. It just makes for such a clean look to me. I don't know anything about art either but it isn't my type of art that is for sure.

  8. That open floor plan is nice. $1000 per artwork.. wowzah.

  9. I'm glad you got to spend time with Chris, that must have been an amazing surprise.

  10. I'm glad you got to spend time with Chris. That must have been an amazing surprise.

  11. What a lovely home. I love white cabinets and black countertops too and have them in my kitchen, though not as many as in the picture!! :)

  12. That home had a lovely back yard view!! Too bad about the Tupperware pitcher; what a flashback.

    I love that your son surprised you. You have the best kids. Enjoy!

  13. Wow I love that kitchen too but I think the TV room and sun room should be turned into one big room, haaaha! I think some smart engineer could make that happen. How great that Chris surprised you with a visit! That note is so sweet. xoxo

  14. We enjoy that pasta as well. I'm still using up a few more boxes from a big sale. Love the garden/outside area of the house the most. And those big windows.


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