Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Phone Dump

I was busy over this past weekend and didn't get to any estate sales. I have been collecting a few photos so once again I'm going to purge them from my phone for your viewing pleasure! 

I don't know if I mentioned that I occasionally go spend some time with my friend's little dog, Phoebe. Her and her husband make and sell pressed sugar cane drinks at fairs and farmers markets and sometimes they are gone from home for 12 hours or more. Those days I go hang out with Phoebe for a hour or two, take her for walks and stuff. 

Last time I was there they had a whole pile of raw sugar cane sitting in their living room! 

I always feel bad having to leave her and especially when she does this.

See her looking at me from the top of the stairs? Yes, when you enter the condo, you have to go up 15 stairs to get to the main living area! Horrible for bringing in groceries! 

On a side note, her husband is super talented in furniture making. 

He made this table for her from a couple pieces of driftwood they found on one of their beach vacations! 

Saw this during one of my morning walks. 

It says Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad. So sweet! 

This is on the side of my neighbor's house. 

Gotta love cat silhouettes! 

I mentioned earlier that I was busy and not able to go to any estate sales last weekend and this is what I was doing. 


This is the back doorsteps and the shed behind our house. The steps were never stained, and we didn't bother to stain them either. It's one of those things we planned on getting to but didn't for almost 5 years! Anyway, last weekend we decided to finally get it done.

Painted the steps and the trim on the shed white and the door the same blue as the front and back doors of the house.  What a difference! 

Chris sent me this picture the other day. 

He has two feral chickens that he feeds and hang around his house every day! One is a rooster and wakes him up every morning! 

Finally, Shauna, Brad and the kids went to the Thunder over Michigan air show last weekend. 

Did you happen to see on the news that one of the Russian fighter jets crashed during the show? It was the show after the one Shauna and family was at! Thankfully, the pilots were able to eject and no one was hurt! 

Lastly, I leave you with a picture of the beautiful sky we saw last week! 

Just a little reminder to enjoy the beauty of every day!

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. The sky is gorgeous! Yes, I did see about the air show plane on CNN. a feral chicken, how funny! I am glad they are being taken care of. The steps and shed look so much better now! Just like you got new ones!

  2. I read a headline about a crash at an air show but didn't read the story. Glad to hear the pilots weren't injured.
    The steps and the shed look awesome. What a difference.
    Not many people have sugar can sitting in their living rooms...lol That's one interesting table her husband made.

  3. I'm intrigued by the sugar cane drinks! I never heard of that.
    That table is cool!
    Your stairs look so nice.
    Our son in KY sent us a link abut that air show accident. He and Bob went to it a few years ago. I'm so thankful the pilots were ok, but what a terrible thing to see. I can't believe your kids were there.

  4. I love cat silhouettes too. I have some on the top of my kitchen cabinets and one over a door, as if it is walking across. I used to have them in my hallway, with a fake mousehole. I had to pull them up when I painted and haven't been able to find them again, that I like.

    Wow sugar cane. Now that's a yummy treat. Poor puppy. I always find it sad, to leave mine -

    Nice photos. Paint makes all the difference. I really like your steps and shed now. I'm going to paint trim around my patio, once the weather gets cooler.

    Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your photo dump. I should that, too.

  5. I love the white steps and trim. So clean looking! We once had an apartment with stairs like that when you entered, but we were in our 20’s!

  6. isn't it amazing what a little paint can do? I love the clean fresh look that paint gives a piece. Looks great!!! That is a new one on me, feral chickens! lol....we don't have any of them around the hood. However, someone on the next street over got a rooster last week, I hear it every time I go out, he is totally confused. Folks around seem to keep their chickens up better than their cats and dogs.....sometimes better than their kids. I love that table that your friends hubs made. BEAUTIFUL....

  7. SO glad no one was hurt! Scary!!
    As a kid, we used to eat sugarcane! So tasty and fun.
    Love the pup...so sad leaving him!
    Love the stairs and barn door!! Well done girlfriend!

  8. Feral chickens? Never heard of that before.
    The update of the stairs and shed are AMAZING. Are you kicking yourself for waiting? We have so many things we need to work on, it's pitiful.
    You are such a good friend visiting Phoebe; I'm sure it makes her so happy.
    The sky is amazing!

  9. The shed and steps look really nice.
    That sky is beautiful.

  10. Excellent work on the steps, trip and door. They all look fantastic.

  11. How nice your paint job is. Five years! Time flies.
    I've never heard of feral chickens, but why not. Will he be providing them any protection from the upcoming brutal winter?

  12. What a fun group of pictures to look at. It's amazing what a little paint can do. Your steps and shed door look so pretty! Changed the whole look. I love getting things like that done...it's just so hard to get started.

  13. I love a good photo dump. Your porch, stairs and the shed all look great. Isn't it amazing what a coat of fresh paint can do. I'm working on getting painting projects done as well. I just can't seem to find the energy. Love the chicken picture.

  14. It always feels so good to get projects crossed off the list - the stairs look amazing! So nice of you to care for your friend's pets while they are gone! So kind of your son to feed the chickens! Maybe he will get some eggs out of the deal :) Blessings to you!


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