Sunday, August 20, 2023

Random This and That

On my last post I got a few comments about the feral chickens my son feeds at his house in New Hampshire. People actually dump chickens in the area he lives in! Have you ever heard of such a thing?! Anyway, I'm not sure what he is going to do when the weather turns colder. Knowing my son though, if they are still around, he will definitely make something for them to shelter in. He won't just leave them to the elements. 

I got some bad news a few days ago. The CBD store I work at will be closing at the end of October.

The lease is set to end and the owners have decided not to renew it. It's just not a profitable enough business for them to continue. 

I completely understand. The economy has taken a toll on a lot of small businesses, but this means I am out of a job and have to find another one. It's not urgent but I do like to get out of the house and the extra spending money is nice! 

Something will come up but, in the meantime, it's thrown me into a little bit of depression. Ugh.

Anyway, on to happier things! The boys were over last week and we took them to the park. It was hot and sunny. 

Here they are with Rich taking in a little shade under the play equipment!

I did manage to get to one estate sale. It was in Novi which is an area I seldom go to but happened to be in the area. This is the house. 

It just sold for $356,000 which is pretty cheap for this area but it needed to be completely updated. 

I didn't get a lot of pictures of the inside. It was packed with people and one of the workers kept following me around trying to push merchandise off on me! At least she didn't ask me why I was taking pictures! 

Here's a few interesting things that were for sale. I thought this lamp was very cool. 

Tiffany style lamp with two small owls on the branch and a small bird on top which is kind of hard to see. They wanted $300 for it.
  It was pretty dusty and dirty. I would love to see it cleaned up! 

And this.....

Sexy Native American picture for $20! Actually, there were several of these kind of pictures throughout the house. 

This lamp was pretty in a Victorian or bordello kind of way! 

I thought this drum set was pretty too! 

I think it's a Christmas decoration. 

This clock was cute for a laundry room. 
Oh look..

Another sext Native American picture. Actually, I thought they were beautiful! 

Here's what I bought. This CK black bag. For some reason the lighting makes it look dirty in this picture, but it wasn't. Actually, it's in brand new condition. 

And this pair of earrings. 

Total spent: $6

That's about it for now. Last night we were sitting on our deck watching the hummingbirds at our feeder and I managed to get a film of two of them landing on the feeder at the same time. Since blogger won't let me download a movie for some reason I managed to take this screenshot. 

It's the first time we've had two at the same time. We were pretty excited to see that! Sometimes it's just the little things that can brighten up your day a little!

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. So sorry to hear your employer is going out of business. I think that is happening a lot. I hope you find something you enjoy soon. LOVE that first lamp. It's very unique. You got a great bargain on the bag and earrings. Enjoy your Sunday.

  2. I'm sorry about your job! Sad to see these businesses go under and sad how it affects the employees.
    Looks like a fun estate sale.

  3. I love this lamp. I have never seen one with any kind of birds on it. I would buy it, except for the price!! I am so sorry about your job. But maybe you will find an even better one.

  4. Too bad about your job. Hopefully something good will come along for you.

  5. Sorry to hear about your job. Hope you find something that will like as much as you do this one.
    You got some good bargains. Those earrings are pretty

  6. Oh I love multiple hummers at the feeder! We don't see it often because they are too busy chasing one another OFF the feeder! They are so territorial. They're thick this time of year, although this summer they were slow getting started. I hate it when it's time for them to go. I really like your purse and earrings and that Tiffany lamp was quite something! The owls on the branches have bulbs! That is really cool. Speaking of cool, I hope you stay that way and DO NOT worry about your job. You will find something great. Happy new week! xoxo

  7. Sorry about the job is a great time to look for work in a place you'd like to learn to do what they do! Like, I've always wanted to learn to make fried chicken like Churches makes it...or cupcakes like a local baker makes get the picture. What would You like to learn? Photography? Cooking? The jobs are out there!
    Love the bag...

  8. I hope you find something you love to do. Hugs.

  9. I still haven't gone to any estate sales. Not even a garage sale, this summer.
    Yeah I'd probably be a bit down, about losing my job too. Something will come up for you - around here there are so many jobs that need to be filled and not enough people WILLING to work. I don't know what they live off to support themselves. So many out of work but by choice. Hope you find something soon.

  10. Sorry to hear about the job, Jeanette. Good luck in finding a hopefully fun and exciting one. Take care.

  11. Of course Chris will look after the feral chickens; he comes from good, caring stock.

    Sorry about the job! I something good will come your way.

    The Tiffany lamp is pretty and the earrings! I remember being obsessed with cloisonné and don't see that often. Very pretty!

  12. Sorry about your job, but hopefully you'll pick up another suitable one soon.
    Interesting wall hangings at the estate sale.


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