Monday, August 28, 2023

Wicked Weather and an Estate Sale

We had some wicked weather roll through these parts on Wednesday and Thursday. Severe thunderstorms and high winds. Wednesday night I laid awake watching the constant flashing and thunder for nearly 3 hours! Normally I find thunderstorms in the middle of the night soothing but this one was strange and long lasting. It was extremely humid out that day and night, so the atmosphere was very unstable!

Thursday night another thunderstorm rolled in but this time this alert came on my phone! 

My sister-in-law Debbie who watches the weather radar like a hawk sent me a message to take cover there is a tornado heading our way! Plus the warning sirens started going off! 

We have an inside closet in our house that I cleared out for shelter. It's not as good as a basement but at least it's away from windows.  However, if a tornado were to hit our house directly we would probably be goners!  

Thankfully a tornado did not come close to us, but Shauna lives in Canton and one went through the park about 3 miles from her house. They were all in the basement and the boys were scared but thankfully it turned out ok. 

They did have a lot of flooding, though! 

This is the street on the side of their house, the driveway and the sidewalk!

I heard later that there was 6 tornados that touched down in the Metro Detroit area! That's normally about what we get for the whole state for the whole year! 

We did lose our power though, for about 48 hours. Thankfully the weather had cooled a little so it wasn't too hot. It's sickening the amount of food I had to throw away though! 

Anyway, I did manage to get to one estate sale!

This house. It wasn't for sale but Zillow valued it at $598,000!

The best part of this house was the kitchen! 

The oak might have been outdated, but there was so much cabinet space! There was 6 big deep drawers and 2 semi big deep drawers, not to mention two pantry sized cabinets, two cabinets with glass doors and misc other cabinets and drawers! It was fantastic! I loved it! 

The whole house was full of antiques. This was an antique lovers dream sale!

I thought these oil lamps were interesting!

They were $750 each. 

There was this cuckoo clock. 

Priced at $125

There was a closet full of almost brand-new shoes and boots for $5 each. 

 I really loved these boots. Unfortunately, they weren't my size! 

Lots of yarn and cross stitch kits. 

$1 per skein. Most of them looked brand new. 

This is what I bought. 

This pretty silver garnet ring with 3 heart shaped stones and a couple little teeny tiny diamond chips on each side! 

I spent $10 on it and normally I don't like to spend that much money but I wanted it, so I did! 

That's about it for me for now. I have kind of been looking for another job but truthfully I'm pretty spoiled. I don't want to work with food, or kids, or animals, don't want to work too late at night or too much on the weekends. And I want at least $14 per hour! Is that too much to ask?

LOL! Well, when one door closes another opens so we'll see what comes along. 

I'm off to visit with you all because it's been too long! 

Thanks for stopping by and see you the next time! 


  1. I’m sorry about the loss of power for so long. We lost it for 3 hours on Thursday before the storms came through. Made no sense! That night there were 8 tornadoes in NE Ohio. We were lucky to not be in the path and only had branches and sticks all over the yard.

  2. OH, I love the oil lamps. Those are so cool. As for the tornado's, here in Nashville we have become part of tornado alley. I have a full basement but I sure would hate for the house to come down on me and the feline....note, in March 2020 the week we shut down for COVID, we get hit really hard. I always wondered about hearing, get in the bathtub and cover with pillows or mattress. After the tornado hit us in 2020, driving around and looking at the houses that got hit, the bathroom was the only thing still standing.....some parts of kitchens.

  3. That weather was bad! There were tornadoes that touched down about 20 minutes from us too, but we were untouched. And didn't lose power. Glad you stayed safe, but that was a long time without power.
    That was quite the estate sale!

  4. Seems like the weather has been crazy all over the place.
    I like those boots too and have a similar pair in black.
    Good deal on the yarn, I probably would have gotten all of them. :)

  5. I do think you have a decent chance of getting a job. Because everyone is dying for employees now. They are giving hiring bonuses and letting new employees set their own hours. Everyone around here is hiring and getting nowhere. I love all the cabinet space in the kitchen, and your pretty ring!

  6. That weather sounds pretty scary. I'm not usually bothered by storms but every now and then one will come along that makes me feel a bit anxious.
    I don't think you're asking too much at all in a job. If it's not a total necessity that you work why take something less than what you want.

  7. I am glad you, and your family made it through the storms safe.

  8. Glad the storms passed you by. Weather has been very scary the last few years. We don't have a basement either so I know how you feel. Sorry about the food loss. That is always so frustrating. I would LOVE to have all of that kitchen storage space. I don't think you're asking too much in the job search.

  9. Jeanette that ring is beautiful!!!! I would have given $10 for it too. I would have to gut that kitchen, though, haahahaha! xoxo

  10. My goodness that was quite the storm. Glad it wasn't too bad but not so good about the loss of food.
    We are waiting on some easterly winds (Santa Anas, the Diablos) where it comes up from the hot deserts and along with low humidity it creates a fire danger. So we're on a fire alert. After this week, we are looking at some cool-for-us temps for this time of year and everyone I know is excited! Bring on the hot soup!

  11. The weather is so crazy nowadays!! Glad no one was hurt!
    Love the must have spoke to you!
    Cool house! should buy a generator to plug in your refrigerator and freezer! Even run fans...

  12. Wow, all that tornado business! Scary. I'm glad none touched down where you are, but 48 hours without power is a long time.
    And you still made it to an estate sale! It seems I've always had small kitchens where I've lived, so I'm envious of these spacious ones.

  13. Oh, wow on your weather! And I have a ring similar to yours and it cost my husband a small fortune, so I think you got a good deal. Wishing you beautiful weekend.

  14. Tornados are so scary; I'm glad you guys and Shauna/kid were good. No power for 2 days is quite terrible.

    The ring is so pretty and you want what you want!


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