Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas 2023


For those of you who did not find Frank the cat in my last post, here he is!

Chris sent this with the caption, "He thinks he hiding!" LOL! I think I looked everywhere but there and didn't actually find him until Rich pointed him out to me! 

Christmas was nice if not a little low-key. 

On Christmas Eve I had to work until 8:00 and then we went to my older brother's house for their annual Christmas Eve party. It was extremely foggy out all day and night, so the drive took us a little longer than expected and we didn't get there until about 9:30. But it was fun! 

Usually, it's the only time I see some of my nieces and nephews! It's a total food fest with the homemade Italian sausage my youngest brother makes and deep-dish Sicilian pizza my other younger brother makes. I am 100% Italian, with my mom's family coming from Northern Italy and my dad's family coming from Sicily. Both sides are represented during our feast! 

On Christmas Day we went to Shauna's. They were not hosting Brad's family this year so it was just us and Brad's mom and dad. 

We had fun watching the boys play with their gifts. 

That was pretty much the extent of our holiday this year! 

One more week of 2023. I can't believe how time flies! 

January is a busy birthday month for us. Rich on the 4th, Maxwell on the 8th and me on the 12th. 

Chris will be in town on the 10th. We haven't seen him since October so I'm looking forward to it! 

In the meantime, I wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! 

See you the next time!


  1. Sounds like a nice Christmas. Low key is how I like it.
    I don't think I ever would have found the cat in that picture.

  2. I didn’t see your other post. That’s cute about the hiding cat. We had a low key quiet Christmas. It was nice. Now comes my favorite holiday (not) New Years Eve and day. Boring and overrated.

  3. Our Christmas was low keyed as well. I like it that way - no stress. :)

  4. I am 1/8th Mostly Austrian.
    Sounds like you had a nice and peaceful holiday! Sorry you had to work so late!
    Happy New Year, friend!

  5. Your Christmas looks lovely! I'm sure the boys were thrilled to have all four Grandparents there. Yay for Chris coming to see you soon, too.

  6. My Christmas was low key also and I have to say, it was nice. My boys were off playing games after the wake up and see what Santa brought thing wore off. It was really nice to have dinner with them and only have to drive ten mins to get home instead of an hour and 15 mins. As for my boys, I prefer to spend time with them on a one on one basis. My boys are so close in age and they love to pick and fight. Its easier on me to do one on one. HAHA

  7. Lovely you got to spend some time with family.

  8. Enjoy your upcoming time with family!

  9. May 2024 be a year full of blessings for you.

  10. Jeanette! Happy Birthday on the 12th! You must send me your address! I hope it's very happy and that you are celebrated as you should be. Looks as though your Christmas was charming. xoxo


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