Saturday, December 16, 2023

Memory Ornament

Back in January of 2021 I did a post on my wedding dress. It was in pretty bad shape, and I was about to throw it away so I took a bunch of pictures for the post and removed the 100 or so pearls on it.  

At the time I thought I had already thrown away the veil but in going through some stuff in the closet I found it stuffed at the bottom of a random garment bag. 

Here it is. 

Before I threw it in the garbage, I took all of the pearls off and cut a piece off of it. 

I had planned to make a necklace with them but decided it would be too much trouble and possibly breaking and losing them all. 

So I had an empty glass ornament and decided to just put them all in there. 

I put the piece of veil on the top to sort of look like a veil and put a label on it. 

I like it although now that I think of it, I should have taken a piece of the veil with one of the little flowers on it! Darn it! Oh well, too late now! Ugh! 

Anyway, it's a good way to preserve a little bit of my dress and veil!

In other news, 

Chris sent me this picture and it took me forever to find his cat! See how fast you can find him! 

Last week we went to Downtown Plymouth to look at the trees in the park. 

New this year is a light tunnel. Kids were having fun running through it. 

Finally, Shauna, Brad and the boys had a wonderful time in Orlando. They went to Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom and the boys favorite part:

Swimming in the pool at the hotel! Good thing they didn't pay for the tickets to the parks! 

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Took a while but I found him on the floor behind the leaves.
    What a terrific idea to make the ornament out of the lace and beads from you veil. It turned out great!!!

    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and Ken!

  2. I think you are brilliant! That was a great way to save a bit of your dress and veil.
    I can't find the cat... :(
    The trees and light tunnel looks like fun.
    Glad they had fun in Orlando!

    1. I'll reveal the cat on my next post. Merry Christmas to you and Bob!

  3. Great idea on the ornament! It looks lovely.

  4. What a cool idea with the ornament. I tried but couldn't find the cat in the picture.

  5. Aww! I love the "memorial
    of your wedding! What a sweet idea!
    Found the Kitty! lolol I won't give it away...
    Hope you're still enjoying the new job...

    1. Thanks Donna! Merry Christmas to you and Larry and your beautiful family!

  6. I love what you did with your dress!!! As for Orlando, right now, due to all rain, we are waterlogged right now, grin. have beautiful day friend.

  7. The ornament turned out amazing!!! Great idea! I have some of my grandmother's hankies and I saw an idea on Pinterest to turn them into angels. I didn't have time this year, but maybe next?

  8. I love the ornament you made with the pearls and lace from your veil and dress. That is a wonderful keepsake. I found the cat after about 10-15 seconds. Too cute!! Nice pictures of the trees and your grandchildren. Glad they had a nice time. Merry Christmas!!

    1. This was me. Lori from culinary adventures.

    2. Thanks Lori! Merry Christmas to you and the big guy!

  9. What a brilliant idea to make an ornaments with your wedding veil pearls.

  10. Oh my goodness Jeanette! That ornament! Simply and truly magical and what a great idea! You could patent that and do the same for other brides! You'll make a fortune. I thought of you this week as we ate at the Cracker Barrel in Simpsonville. I hope you'll come down to South Carolina this year so that we can do that again! I think I saw the cat under the chair but you can tell Chris that I was so distracted by his gorgeous wide-plank flooring, I didn't really care about the cat. I have one in my way as I type as it is, so maybe that has something to do with it, hahaha! The tree-sighting excursion looks delightful. You are now in Beford Falls! Love it. It's a wonderful life! xoxo

    1. Isn't that floor gorgeous? They have them throughout the house, too! I'll reveal the cat in my next post. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, Jenny!

  11. I think I see the kitty. Looks like a little kitty's head to me under the table behind the leaves. :) I'll check back. Your veil and beads made a beautiful ornament. You are so good at creating things like that. That wide flooring is beautiful...just what I have always wanted in our log home.

  12. The cat! Too funny.
    I love what you've done with the ornament; you are so clever!
    The kids usually just have fun at a hotel with a pool; you could take them to any little town for a big vacation. 😂


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