Friday, February 16, 2024

February Photo A Day #16

We had a nice thing happen at work on Valentines Day. A guy proposed to his girlfriend while they were visiting her mother! He had his friend come to play the guitar for the residents as a way to get the mom down to the dining room. 

We all knew it was coming and everyone was in the dining room, pretending they were there to listen to the guitar player! 

Here's something interesting. See how bright the ring box looks? It had a little light in it that turned on and shined down on the diamond ring when he opened it! Very cool! 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. That is so cool! Both the proposal and the lighted box!

  2. That's very sweet. Sharing the joy with others. Linda,

  3. Wonderful and the ring box is so clever!

  4. That is awesome!! I've never seen a box like that. Very cool

  5. Wow, I have never heard of this lighted ring box. Very cool.

  6. Awwww! I've seen those lighted ring boxes. Gorgeous and what a neat idea! xoxo


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