Saturday, February 17, 2024

February Photo A Day #17

This is my mom's wallet. I took it when we cleaned all of her stuff out of my dad's house after she passed away. It still has pictures, credit cards, loyalty cards to a few stores, her drivers license that she just renewed a few months before she died, her social security card, papers with phone numbers on it, including the phone number of my first cell phone and a few casino players cards.  

 I don't know why I still have it but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. That is so cool...I couldn't throw it away either...we still have our sons wallet and it has similar items and cash too.

  2. I have my Dad's too and can't get rid of it either!

  3. Sometimes it's the little, intimate things that we hold onto the longest. No rush to get rid of that wallet... Linda,

  4. I wouldn't get rid of it either.

  5. I kept my moms. Matter of fact I kept her purse she was using at the time and all that was in it. I have DL and SS card also. I also kept her little carry pouch with tooth brush, hair brush and comb for when she went in the hospital, and never came home. They will be here when I am gone and the kids can decide the next step for them. I am actually thinking of making a shadow book with a few things in it to hang. I think I even have her Birth Cert.

    1. I wish I would have thought at the time to keep her whole purse!

  6. It’s hard to get rid of some things. I’ve kept my Dad’s tie tacks from the ‘70’s.

  7. I have my Mom's wallet as well as my Fathers and Brothers. What can we do with them?

  8. It looks brand new, as well. I still have my mom's wallet, her bible, sewing kit, documents, etc. I have done nothing with them, they are all in a box. But there is no way I will ever get rid of them, it just seems wrong.

  9. Some things you just can't let go of.

  10. I also have various things from my parents, as well. I'll never get rid of them.

  11. There are certain things we just have to keep.

  12. It is so hard to throw stuff away! Especially something your beloved mother used. xoxo


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