Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February Photo A Day #6

 This is my desk at work.

Computer, phone, walkie talkie that I use to communicate with the caregivers on the floors and the usual tangle of cords underneath! 

Tomorrow I'll show a close up of all the binders on the left side. 

See you tomorrow!



  1. I hope you're still enjoying your job.

  2. I didn’t notice the tangled cords till you mentioned it. That could drive me crazy! I’d want to fix it.

  3. I see post it notes are your friend at work...lol

    1. One of my coworkers is a post it note freak! She has them everywhere!

  4. That looks like a very pleasant place to work. The guy who figures out how to get rid of all the wires will be richer than Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk put together. xoxo


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