Friday, February 9, 2024

February Photo A Day # 9


There is a house in downtown Plymouth that decorates their porch for every holiday. For Christmas they always have a life size deer pulling a sleigh. See it on the right?

After Christmas they put the sleigh away and turn the deer so it's looking into the window, and they keep it there for the whole winter!

I would love to see what it looks like from the inside! At the time I took this picture, they were in the process of decorating for Valentine's Day. 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. That deer looks pretty life like! And it's pretty creative to have it looking in!

  2. I've often wondered why more people don't put up decorations except at Christmas time.

  3. Is it a stuffed real deer or a fake deer? Wow.

  4. We have enough real deer looking in our windows here.

  5. We had a neighbor cow once actually peek in the basement glass door when we were down there. :)

  6. How funny. I would love to have a big porch like that to decorate.

  7. I bet the deer looking in the window is so cute from inside.

  8. Awww...that is so sweet. The deer looks real from my perspective.

  9. Good grief, it looks like it's breathing! That would scare me to death looking in the window, hahaha xoxo


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