Sunday, April 7, 2024

How It's Going and Random Stuff

After being overwhelmed for months about this painting job we got down to it an got the whole thing painted in 2 1/2 days. 

It feels so good to finally have that part done. 

The first thing we did was to take the ugly curtains down and promptly throw them in the garbage! Then we filled in all the holes from the rods. 

Here's a random picture of Max and Levi where you can see the ugly curtains behind them. 

They were on the living room, dining area and family room windows.  Goodbye! 

Rich taking down shelves and filling in holes. 

Coco is wondering what Dad's doing! 

Here's a picture of the contrast between the old and new colors. Big difference! 

With the lighter paint color and the curtains gone the whole house is so much brighter!  I do eventually plan on putting some kind of valance on the windows but that is a future project. 

Next is new carpeting. I know, a lot of people don't like carpeting, but I actually do like the way it looks and feels on the floor. Plus, it's a little more budget friendly than having wood or laminate floors put in. I would also have to buy several large rugs, too. 

Anyway, I'm thinking a dark grey would look good. Chris will be in town later this month so I'm hoping to schedule the job for then and he can help us with all the moving stuff around we'll have to do. 

In other news, Levi drew me another picture. This one is a cupcake with a heart on top. 

In case you can't read it it says his name and, "I am 5 years old and I am amazing!" No lack of confidence in that guy! 

Caught this beautiful sunset on my way home from work a few days ago. 

I went to an estate sale on Saturday. I didn't get a picture of the house, but these two tables were outside. 

They were priced at $70 each with 25% off. I was tempted to buy just one because you know I love mirrored furniture but I really have nowhere to put it so I passed. 

This is what I did buy. 

A knockoff Prada wallet, a 2 cup glass Pyrex measuring cup and a pair of silver hoop earrings. Total spent: $13.50 I'm so excited that Estate Sale season is starting again!  You know I'll be posting a lot of those! 

That's it for me for now. See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. It's looking so good!
    I think your idea of carpeting when Chris is around is brilliant.
    Levi's picture is cute and he is amazing!

  2. You can never have too many measuring cups.

  3. Love your husband’s overseer, Coco, making sure the job is done right!

    The walls look great. It’s a job for sure. I still haven’t painted the hallway yet!

    Yes I saw Levi’s name on top! Too cute. I like his drawing.

    We only have carpet in our living room and our bedroom. Everywhere else is hardwood. Which sometimes I wish we had done laminate because they need to be redone and of course, to save a buck or two I’m wanting to do it ourselves! Probably not.

  4. I have never been to an estate sale, and so much want to! How do you find out about them? I love the new color, it is so fresh and light!! And I am getting such a kick of Coco overseeing the project!

    1. Ginny-Go to and put in your zip code, It will tell you all the sales in your area. Go! You will love it!

  5. What a huge difference the paint made. That's a sweet picture that Levi drew for you.

  6. The new paint does brighten it up. I also like carpeting in family rooms. So much warmer on the feet! Maybe it’s a colder climate preference. That is a cute cupcake and a gorgeous sunset.

  7. I like your new paint color. The light color sure does brighten things up.

  8. The paint has certainly brightened everything up!! Nice job!
    I'm a carpet lover too...especially in bedrooms. Larry likes the hardwood flooring.
    Nice buys at the estate sale! I love when you post about them.
    Levi is growing up so fast! Big Boy! Love the cupcake...and he IS amazing!

  9. The paint job is beautiful. I never used to like white (light) walls, but now I do. It has such a "farmhouse" look and that's the style I gravitate towards these days. It seems like it was a lot of work, but I can almost sense your feeling of satisfaction. Linda,

  10. It's funny I used to hate white/light walls but now I absolutely love them. We have doors and baseboards on our painting list this year and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm sure your house feels so much brighter and fresher. Such a cute cupcake!!

  11. WOW. Taking down the curtains and lightening up the walls makes a huge difference. I'm not a fan of curtains; they tend to collect dust and make the room feel heavy.
    You can never go wrong with a pyrex ANYTHING. ;)

  12. Hi! It’s me finally! You’re doing good and that’s why wonderful to see! The boys look so cute and I love the white walls! I’ll be back! Sally

  13. I agree about carpet; I am sometimes torn between that and wood (or in my case, wood-look, haha) floors, but I do love the feel of it, and the warmth. It's just that you have to be so careful!!!! So now, no shoes allowed in our bedroom (not exactly a high-traffic area) on the almost-white carpet, but I am enjoying the no-fear aspect of the new LVP in the TV room, which is definitely high traffic. You can't hurt it! Dagny spilled a Perrier water down there the other day (she blamed Rhett, haha) and I almost forgot to freak out, hahahaha! But I remembered just in time to tell her to PUT THE CAP ON IT. Your spaces look so fresh and new now, and I know you'll be so happy when it's all done! xoxo

    1. When we lived in our other house we installed a laminate floor in our living dining room area and LVP in our upstairs hallway. We did it ourselves. It was a lot of work but I absolutely loved it. I would love to put laminate all over this house but it's got cold floors in the winter and we really didn't want to spend that kind of money anyway. I guess we are going to become a no shoes in the house family now!


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