Monday, March 18, 2024

Display Case Part 2


On the bottom shelf of my display case were random things I wanted to keep. 

This planter I got from my parents when I was in the hospital after Chris was born in 1979. 

I think it pretty much reflects how they felt about us giving them their first grandchild! 

This is a voodoo doll I got when we were in Haiti on a cruise in 2009. 

It included the pins and instructions for good and bad voodoo's. It's all in fun because I don't believe in any of that kind of stuff. 

This used to be a Christmas tree top. It had lights all along the bottom and in both of her hands. 

After using it for years the plastic underneath got all broken up. She sits on a solo cup now! I just think she has such a pretty face! One day I will restore her to all her lit up glory! 

These are Christmas things that the kids made in grade school.  

I didn't want to pack and unpack with the Christmas stuff anymore as they were getting ruined. 

These Christmas candy dishes were my grandmother's although I can't remember if it was my mom's mom or my dad's. 

I just like them and will probably give them to Shauna this Christmas if she wants them. 

This was given to me one Christmas by my son and ex daughter in law. 

I'll probably put it away with the rest of the Christmas decorations. I think I stuck it in the display case one year after I forgot to pack it with the rest of the decorations.

That's everything that was on the bottom of the display case. 

I've also got a whole china cabinet full of stuff that I will eventually get around to cleaning out but that can wait until we get the first part of the rooms painted. 

I got most of the stuff off of the walls and now I need to wash them and patch and tape up certain areas. Ugh!

See you next time and thanks for stopping by!


  1. You're doing good. I do hate the washing and patching part though.
    Lots of treasures in that case!

  2. The holly candy dishes are really nice. Do you ever google picture items to find their history and worth?

  3. A shelf full of memories! I would have to keep those beautiful candy dishes. They could be used all winter.

  4. Love all your display case treasures. The angel does have a pretty face.

  5. So much work to do...uggg is right! lol
    Love all your treasures!!

  6. Its funny the stuff we hold onto and for the reasons, that mean so much to us and no one else

  7. Isn't it such a huge job cleaning out places where you have stashed stuff? Even if it's on display and you more or less see it every day? I find that mementoes like these come charged with emotions and sometimes that is what we dread: not so much the work of the project, but the work of dealing with memories (good and bad) and facing up to how swiftly the years are going by. That I Love You planter is SO 1970s! In the best of ways. What a treasure. And the holly-leaf candy dishes remind me of my own (maternal) grandmother. She would have loved those. I hope Shauna takes them! xoxo

  8. Goodness, going through all our stuff can be exhausting, right? I also save memories like you do.
    I think you'll have to name the Angel: Toby Keith. I mean, she's sitting on top of a Red Solo Cup. ;)


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